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Messages - theruler

Pages: [1]
General / The Humble Indie Bundle experiment
« on: May 14, 2010, 05:15:26 pm »
Hi Alec,
I read on the Home page of the Humble Bundle ( http://www.wolfire.com/humble ) that Aquaria's source code (as long as the other games' but World of Goo) will be released as open.
Is that true?
Aquaria will be released as freeware?
Could you please enlighten?

Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:33:44 pm »
I see the new version is available on steem. Any chance to see the 1.1.2 changelog?

I wonder if there is already a patch or a special DL link for paying customers.


Modding / Re: Naija's movement and body components
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:12:11 pm »
Sorry to resurrect such an old post, but I would like to know if someone is still interested in this mod.

I tried to figure out which part of the body were affected by a bending torso movement, and separated the body into three pieces: http://www.filedropper.com/newnaija-body

I haven't studied the code yet, but I am sure any modder skilled enough is able to work it out easily.

Obviously the changes shuold be made on all Naija's bodies... but that would be the lesser effort, since I photoshopped these three images in less then 10 minutes.

Modding / Re: Subtitles Complete & String Bank
« on: July 20, 2009, 04:34:38 pm »
Where is the guide?
I should have missed some threads.

Modding / Re: Subtitles Complete & String Bank
« on: July 19, 2009, 01:37:25 am »
By replacing the archives in the main folder of Aquaria.

and where exactly did you read this statement?
I though Alec was not able to find a solution about displaying fan subtitles yet...

any news about the localization, alec?
How is the test on 1.1.2 version going?

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: February 01, 2009, 01:23:03 am »
World of Goo and Crayon Physics use a PayPal + PHP system, I think I'm going to switch to that next time. PayPal takes a significantly smaller cut.

The main reason, is because Plimus says in their FAQ that their support will handle customer download reactivation. But in reality, they just whine about it and pass the emails back to me. 10% is a lot, and they should be able to handle very simple email-based reactivation for that much.

Man, they piss me off. I don't have a lot of good things to say about them anymore. I don't think I'd recommend them to anyone after my recent experiences with them.

And that is what I wanted to ear...
Chibi and Nava, I agree with you, but 10% is still too much even if they do the work they state in the contract... and that's the point... they even do what is written on it!

As customer I PERSONALLY ENDORSE PayPal + PHP system... I feel secure.

I recently bought another game via DD (PP+php), and they granted me SIX months and 8 download retries...
After the first download (thanks God all went smooth) Plimus disabled the link...  No way.
If it would depend on me I would say bye bye to Plimus now, without thinking twice.

Off-Topic / Re: Lesson = Learn to tolerate the torrenters
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:04:38 am »
Prompt like death, aquaria 1.1.1 is on ed2k...
Hope those seeders at least appreciate the game and the work as much as I expect. As much to convince them that pay for it would be the only right thing to do.

Let's think positive.

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: January 28, 2009, 02:34:42 pm »
At witch point are we?
Are the plans come to a concrete level  (like set deadline) or still only thoughts?

Let us know!!!  :)

And another thing... Please get rid of Plimus...
Every cent I give I want them to reach YOU! not a company that (ok, provides a service but) takes a ridiculously HUGE percentage of YOUR profits... (10% is even more expensive than ebay fees!)

Isn't there an alternate method to manage the financial and download parts?
Which difficulties implies doing it yourselves?


Modding / Re: Subtitles Complete & String Bank
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:30:03 am »
The answer depends on how much Alec (Bit-Blot) wants to boost up internetional sales for non english users... I think.

Modding / Re: Subtitles Complete & String Bank
« on: January 17, 2009, 09:46:43 pm »
Afaik the subs won't be part of 1.1. Right, Alec?

No, I haven't been able to come up with a good way for them to work yet.
Any chance to get the subs working in the upcoming 1.1.2 patch?

And what about the new string and bank files for the 1.1.1?
We have just 2 completed Italian translation (and many in several languages) and no language mod...  :'(

Hope you will get through this soon, Alec.
Thanks anyway for all your efforts.

Off-Topic / Re: Lesson = Learn to tolerate the torrenters
« on: January 06, 2009, 10:01:06 pm »
As part of a very interesting and instructive nevertheless discussion, I would add my contribution with a post from Chris of Introversion Software (one other good indie company, the producer of Darwinia), speaking about piracy and copy protections:

Introversion uses online account verification. But I think it's games are a bit different than bit-blot's one. They are more multiplayer oriented, and thus the most enjoyment would be online... and going online you must pass server authentication.. so...

I would like to ear staff's opinion about copy protection implementation on Aquaria...

Anyway the price has been lowered to 15.80 Euro, WOW!
Only a mean man would torrent aquaria.

Gameplay / Aquaria Playthrough Diary
« on: March 19, 2008, 04:26:02 pm »
I've found an interesting Diary around the net.

Have a good read.


(it is a blog... read from bottom)

Modding / Re: Naija's movement and body components
« on: February 14, 2008, 09:50:53 am »
Happy to see my idea is appreciated! ;-)

I think the best (and simplest) way to achive this is to split the torso image in two part at waist.

Modding / Naija's movement and body components
« on: February 13, 2008, 02:08:00 pm »
Hi all,
I am new to the forum and to the game too.
I am playing the demo right now, and I would like to give just my two cents.

The game istelf is neraly PERFECT.

I think it should be useful to add map notations. To help tracking undone actions and undiscovered map portions.
But the real thnig i would like to suggest (we are in the modding section after all) is to let Naija bend her torso.
Sorry if it has already been posted, I searched for it but I didn't find anything.

Naija's movements are simply magnificent (one of the best I've ever seen since Prince of Persia Era ;)) but the sensation I miss while watching her doing evolutions and sudden direction changes, is to see bending her torso backward and forward.

I saw the scripts and the .gif's of the sprite, and I think it would be possible (but I have no idea how to do that, sincerely).

I could be mad... in fact I don't know even how an amphibious anthropomorphous lady-creature would behave and move! ;)

Sorry if I posted in the wrong section.


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