When the 1.1 patch is released, would you mind posting a link to updated subtitle and string bank files? That way we can at least make sure the translations are in line with the new text, and if you release a future version with internationalization support, the translations will be more up-to-date.
I've noticed a few other issues that I don't think have been mentioned yet in the thread:
English text updatesRegardless of when internationalization might happen, I've noticed a few minor issues with the English text. I'm double-checking my list for completeness at the moment, but when I'm done I can post it here or email it to you if you would like to have it for the 1.1 patch.
Recipe namesThe recipe names don't seem to be available for translation in the string bank. Is there a separate place that they're stored?
Grammatical incompatibilitiesSome messages are broken apart into separate string bank entries, which can cause grammatical problems in other languages. For example, the message "Learned the _____ Recipe!" is broken into two separate string bank entries, #23: "Learned the" and #24: "Recipe!" This might cause some confusion, especially if the parts are reused separately in other places in the game. In Spanish, for instance, the message would be translated as "¡Aprendiste la receta de _____!" With this translation, the parts would become: #23: "¡Aprendiste la receta de" ("You learned the recipe of") and #24: "!". If #23 was used elsewhere (for learning things other than recipes), you can see how this would be a problem.
Another example is #203: "Seconds". Presumably, this appears in the game as "__ Seconds", but syntax in other languages may dictate that the number come
after the word instead of before. Other string bank entries that may have grammar issues along these lines are #27, #204, #205, #206, #211 and #852.
Having recently gone through the pain of internationalizing our application at my job, I can tell you that what seems to work best is to not break the message into parts, and instead using placeholders in the string. For example: "Learned the {0} Recipe!", with subsequent placeholders having increasing numbers: {0}, {1}, {2}, etc. Then in the software you replace the placeholders with their values. I don't know what language Aquaria's written in (C, I'd imagine), but it probably already has functionality to facilitate this.
Anyway, I hope this rather rambling post is of use.