« on: July 07, 2009, 06:22:01 am »
As a very casual gamer (I'm only 23, but I've been playing games since I was like 3 or 4, probably), and as one who hasn't kept up with the new technologies, and who doesn't do all the shootery games... I still am a rabid Aquaria fan girl. Yes, some areas were a bit hard for me, but I just slowed down or sped up. Either ran away from it all, or let a few come at me at a time and blasted them to death. Yes, some areas were a bit frustrating, especially if I didn't use my brain and try something new (bosses such as one you most likely haven't gotten to yet took me up to 2 hours, when I would then quit, and decide I needed to think about it after some rest heh). Some bosses I defeated by accident, not even really realizing what I'd done that made them die.
Edit: I'm a clumsy platformer (I enjoy running into spikes, even the ones in the first cave in Cave Story!), I fall off of platforms, I miss my jumps. I am pretty bad at shooting games, because.... I tend to get overwhelmed by enemies. If you want a hard shooter, go look for gameplay videos of Airrade Air, a Doujin cute-em-up... that thing has loads of enemies everywhere O_O. In RPGs, sometimes I do irreversable things, like get stuck in rooms, or forget the code to the door or whatever, and end up having to reset to get out. I remember suiciding by Red Candle in the original Legend of Zelda game in a room with locked doors and me without any keys or the Magical Skeleton Key (and nothing but those shiny things that make it so you can't use your sword for a few seconds). Just to give more background on my "gaming" abilities, heh.