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Messages - Sirensongstress

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General / Re: what time the Aquaria2 coming?
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:42:36 am »
I hope one day that you will want to work on an Aquaria 2.  Only if working on it makes you happy or at least doesn't make you unhappy :).  Was Aquaria originally meant to be like a trilogy?

Although... I am really looking forward to Marian (woo, sounds awesome), and I have done a little bit of playing on Spelunky, although on my latest version of it the guy got stuck running to the right :P... so I'll have to fix that before I really try to beat it.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:40:23 am »
Yay~ Can't wait ^^

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: October 24, 2009, 02:54:15 am »
Yay!  I'm going to pre-order/order this for my birthday... which isn't for almost another month, but oh well ;).  And lol, buying stuff for my own birthday, how selfish.  But yay, Official Aquaria Soundtrack with all new beautimous tracks and art! Thanks for all your hard work!

General / Re: popping in to say-
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:12:35 pm »
Hehe, awesome.  Makes me think of hearing stories about my sister calling "cows" "cowies" sort of how horses can become "horsies" for children.  And also about how my dad doesn't say a lot of things correctly now XD. 

It's even cuter though that she says wishes/wishies, because Aquaria is kind of a wish-ish world XD.  Have they found any parts scary yet?

General / Re: Sympathy for Mithalas
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:09:51 pm »
The body doesn't appear, but the nasty stuff that infects the Mithalas Cathedral appears in a certain area.

General / Re: popping in to say-
« on: September 22, 2009, 08:11:25 pm »
Hahaha, so cute.  What does she mean by wishes though?  Just that it looks like magic or something?  Awesome that you're raising your siblings on Aquaria though :)!  I grew up on Zelda, Mario and Tetris, and those I kind of inherited from my mom and sisters/played at the same time.... then I by far enhanced my own gamerness, but I'm still just a little fish in a big ocean of gaming.

General / Re: Any update on the soundtrack?
« on: September 07, 2009, 07:36:49 pm »
:O  I want to preorder... Like right now.  DIBS PREORDERING STUFF

Gameplay / Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« on: August 23, 2009, 05:28:00 pm »
Hehe, this version it's like "Oh noes, you hurt me, I'm going to lick you to death you rotten little merwoman! Naa-naa-naaa! Come back, my tongue isn't long enough, and I don't have a lot of coordination, rawr!"  ;)

I have been noticing a lot of things that are different:  going through Mithalas had a few surprises to really help you figure out the boss fight.  Although honestly, I think now that I should have known that the fact that certain things were present was significant in the first place  ::).  I believe I have the first version or at least an older one backed up somewhere, because I'd like to install that some time and compare - because I know I loved it then, and I still love it now.

As a very casual gamer (I'm only 23, but I've been playing games since I was like 3 or 4, probably), and as one who hasn't kept up with the new technologies, and who doesn't do all the shootery games... I still am a rabid Aquaria fan girl.  Yes, some areas were a bit hard for me, but I just slowed down or sped up.  Either ran away from it all, or let a few come at me at a time and blasted them to death.  Yes, some areas were a bit frustrating, especially if I didn't use my brain and try something new (bosses such as one you most likely haven't gotten to yet took me up to 2 hours, when I would then quit, and decide I needed to think about it after some rest heh).  Some bosses I defeated by accident, not even really realizing what I'd done that made them die.

Edit:  I'm a clumsy platformer (I enjoy running into spikes, even the ones in the first cave in Cave Story!), I fall off of platforms, I miss my jumps.  I am pretty bad at shooting games, because.... I tend to get overwhelmed by enemies.  If you want a hard shooter, go look for gameplay videos of Airrade Air, a Doujin cute-em-up...  that thing has loads of enemies everywhere O_O.  In RPGs, sometimes I do irreversable things, like get stuck in rooms, or forget the code to the door or whatever, and end up having to reset to get out.  I remember suiciding by Red Candle in the original Legend of Zelda game in a room with locked doors and me without any keys or the Magical Skeleton Key (and nothing but those shiny things that make it so you can't use your sword for a few seconds).  Just to give more background on my "gaming" abilities, heh. 

Gameplay / Re: stumped in the energy temple
« on: July 05, 2009, 08:58:14 am »
The game isn't exactly linear, so if you're where I think you are... you won't be able to do anything there yet.  There IS an exit close by, if you are where I think you are, and all you have to do is go swim to it and eventually you'll see a big red flower (remember that for later) and around there is the exit, which will take you back to a place you have already been that is close to the main entrance/exit to the place.  If you can't do something right away, make a note of it, and see if you can get out so you can obtain whatever you need to have to be able to do those things.  Sounds like you're done with the energy temple, and you just need to go to a new area of the game for a while.  Sorry if that is vague, but trying not to give TOO many spoilers.... heh.

Gameplay / Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« on: July 04, 2009, 05:14:38 am »
Actually, I"ve played this game through a couple of times, and I do sorta remember having to do it more than once.  Maybe I can find an old Aquaria boss video on Youtube and see if it's the same as I remember there XD.  I bought the game about 2 weeks after it came out I think, so hopefully I"m not crazy.

Edit:  I found a youtube video from March 2008, so I guess I just remember it wrong, like you guys said ;).  Still a fun boss, but I just felt like it wasn't as hard as it used to be, but it's probably just what you said.  Thankies ;)

Gameplay / MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« on: July 02, 2009, 12:06:45 am »
I just got a new computer and I"m playing through Aquaria again.  It's been a while since I played, but I feel like the Mithalas miniboss things are easier than they used to be.  I only have to shoot each eye once and then have them all shooting lasers at the same time for the tongue or whatever fleshy appendage that is to come out.  But then it stays out.  It used to go back in and you'd have to do the shoot the eyes thing all over again, right?  Now, I just have to go in circles around the thing while it moves up and down and spins with that appendage hanging out.  I don't have some kind of bugged version do I?  I tried to find a list of changes from the last versions, but I wasn't very successful.

General / Re: Is this a girl game?
« on: December 17, 2008, 07:19:10 am »
Aren't the voices sorta on par for many Japanese games?  I've only played a few which had voices, and some were just really bad quality (older games) and some were just annoying/cutesy like that :P.

And boy, that game looks fun XD.  I think I tried to find it once, and couldn't get it to work right :X.  I know I've heard of it before.

General / Re: Post-Boss Artwork?
« on: December 12, 2008, 02:32:03 am »
What I would like would be an art book ;P.  Maybe something that could be both brainstorming/developement sketches as well as the actual after-boss pictures?  When I played in windows mode, I'd try to take screenshots (this was on my third time through, I think) but I didn't always time them right.  I absolutely LOVE the picture after you beat the Sea-lion energy god thingy.  Are there after-boss art pictures throughout the game? I can't remember.  That'd be so awesome though to be able to get some kind of glossy picture quality of them.  *hint hint nudge nudge* More merchandising opportunities! (If you guys get into that kind of thing.... <3)

Anyway, take time with whatever you guys are doing, and enjoy it ;).  No pressure from me to produce more right away, because I value quality over quantity ^^.

Well, I've been looking at responses to threads I've posted in - it just happens I don't get to come around too often (I'm currently procrastinating on doing final papers and projects, etc >.>)... so I love to answer on these anyway, even if they're sorta dead/dying.

Besides, some of these are really nice threads ;)  I know the new version is out/being beta tested, but that doesn't mean I can't still speculate, hehe.

Anyways, happy playing, and off to do projects for me!

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