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Author Topic: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?  (Read 9842 times)

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Offline Sirensongstress

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MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« on: July 02, 2009, 12:06:45 am »
I just got a new computer and I"m playing through Aquaria again.  It's been a while since I played, but I feel like the Mithalas miniboss things are easier than they used to be.  I only have to shoot each eye once and then have them all shooting lasers at the same time for the tongue or whatever fleshy appendage that is to come out.  But then it stays out.  It used to go back in and you'd have to do the shoot the eyes thing all over again, right?  Now, I just have to go in circles around the thing while it moves up and down and spins with that appendage hanging out.  I don't have some kind of bugged version do I?  I tried to find a list of changes from the last versions, but I wasn't very successful.

Offline SevenMass

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Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2009, 03:00:33 pm »
As far as I can remember, you've always had to  shoot each eye only once to make the vulnerable part come out.

With nature form you don't even need to shoot them at all, as the uber brair can hurt the vulnerable part even when it is not visible.
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2009, 05:57:12 pm »
I k now for me I would struggle with a boss, and the next time I went to fight him (her) it was suddenly easy (lobster boss, jelly boss); ditto with some treasures like the rukh egg above the turtle cave, or the urchin armor. If you are like me, it may just be a shift in perception (for me, finally getting what people were telling me in the forum), or luck, that you are suddenly "in the zone" and everything seems easy.
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Offline Sirensongstress

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Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2009, 05:14:38 am »
Actually, I"ve played this game through a couple of times, and I do sorta remember having to do it more than once.  Maybe I can find an old Aquaria boss video on Youtube and see if it's the same as I remember there XD.  I bought the game about 2 weeks after it came out I think, so hopefully I"m not crazy.

Edit:  I found a youtube video from March 2008, so I guess I just remember it wrong, like you guys said ;).  Still a fun boss, but I just felt like it wasn't as hard as it used to be, but it's probably just what you said.  Thankies ;)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 05:28:41 am by Sirensongstress »

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Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2009, 05:58:16 pm »
It's always easier the second time around, 'cause by then you most likely already know what to do ^_^
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Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2009, 06:08:27 pm »
We might have tweaked this in the new version, but I really can't remember for sure!

Offline Sirensongstress

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Re: MIthalas Rotten Core Minibosses... weaker?
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2009, 05:28:00 pm »
Hehe, this version it's like "Oh noes, you hurt me, I'm going to lick you to death you rotten little merwoman! Naa-naa-naaa! Come back, my tongue isn't long enough, and I don't have a lot of coordination, rawr!"  ;)

I have been noticing a lot of things that are different:  going through Mithalas had a few surprises to really help you figure out the boss fight.  Although honestly, I think now that I should have known that the fact that certain things were present was significant in the first place  ::).  I believe I have the first version or at least an older one backed up somewhere, because I'd like to install that some time and compare - because I know I loved it then, and I still love it now.