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Messages - barret232hxc

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General / I wish I was going to GDC :(
« on: February 12, 2008, 11:55:52 pm »
Heyyy Derek and Alec.

Last year was an inspiration and I was glad to get to hang out but unfortunately this year , due to a new job and $ I"m not going to be able to make it. 

Hopefully gdc 2009 I'll def be going and I'll get to chill with you guys again maybe.

I am currently working for a game developer called gorilla so It's a start and I finally got my foot in the industry so I'm excited about that :)

have an amazing GDC 2008

General / Re: Extract Music?
« on: December 30, 2007, 04:12:34 pm »
damn it's true what they say.  People are never satisfied, you give them something amazing and they just ask for more , more, more. and more.

If they want a soundtrack they should just get the jukebox mod and enjoy the beautiful soundtrack that way. I have my speakers hooked up to my surround system and it's a very enjoyable listening experience.

I mean I know you guys are gods but even the great gods need some room to breathe.  You seem be getting alot of prayers hahah

I guess I can understand people wanting a soundtrack but damn ,  you guys just put in 2 yrs work and people are still unsatisfied. I sometimes wonder where society is heading these days.  I am very very appreciative of the time , passion , and dedication put into the game :) :) :) :)  i love the smileys on this forum

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: December 30, 2007, 02:35:52 pm »
everyone is spoiled by today's games where they are much easier and do all the work for you. I was starving for a game like aquaria that brought back the things I grew to love in gaming.

I guess I am just a dreamer but I love just swimming around in aquaria that part of the game alone would be good enough for me but there is much more depth. I guess some people may not have the time to enjoy aquaria

General / man this is the best christmas. giving aquaria feels so good
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:11:53 pm »
My good friend had his birthday on the 22nd so I decided to purchase aquaria for his birthday/x-mas present.  It feel so good to share the love of aquaria. And I got myself and my friend a copy for the price of 1 xbox 360 game this rules

Games / Re: MMORPG's?
« on: December 17, 2007, 07:28:54 pm »
play yourself some secondlife hahaha. It's not exactly a game but you can make anything and it's really laggy but pretty hillarious. It's free to try out



this game isn't so much an mmorpg but it's an mmo 3rd person mech fighting game


Support / Re: Aquaria 1.0.3 Cumulative Patch 2007.12.17
« on: December 17, 2007, 07:22:39 pm »
One of these days I'm going to join a game development team so I don't have to do everything myself!

Oh wait...

If someone could test out the patch for me that would be great! ;)

I must say I'm impressed by how quick things in the games are getting fixed. It's like oh yeah I got this problem , within 1-2 days it's already fixed.  Normally it takes at least a month for fixes.

General / Re: Joysticks/Gamepads
« on: December 17, 2007, 06:56:55 pm »
360 gamepad all the way :)

General / Re: curious to how many copies have been bought so far?
« on: December 17, 2007, 06:56:28 pm »
well those are some interesting numbers for the demo. I was just curious to see how many people play the demo and go omg I must have this amazing game hahaha. 

I definitely am trying to spread the word b/c I have alot of friends that would love to play aquaria.

Time to graffiti downtown orlando with urls to the download lol jk

General / curious to how many copies have been bought so far?
« on: December 16, 2007, 09:37:25 pm »
I guess this isn't so much my business and the game has only been out for awhile but I was just wondering how well it's been doing.  I'm not sure if you have the numbers or not available

just wondering the numbers of demos vs bought copies

I just noticed when I ask questions I act as if I'm directly talking to derek or alec lols

yeah I can see why you may wanna change the story mode and doing it through a mod would be an easy way where you wouldn't even really need to release a patch you just release the mod and that way you have an option for some of the more casual gamers.

The great thing is that you developed the game so that it's very customizable :) yayyyy

I find the difficulty fun and challenging and it is half the fun of the game just being able to figure out where to go and what to do and using recipes to restore health so I can make it when I am low on health.

but in terms of marketability I do believe the standard difficulty of the game may be narrowing the market for which this game could reach. By adding what I like to call a casual mode would open this game up to alot more people.

I think the game since it's so pretty appeals to alot of people simply for it's artistic style. Now I know this is not why the game was originally developed to be some pretty thing to look at. I love the way the game was developed but if you want to make more $ hahaha which I think you all deserve and the price $30 including a full amazing game plus the tools to create your own game is a bargain in my opinion.

I think my gf would really like this game is the difficulty was a little easier bc she hates underwater and I love anything to do with water. I was on the swim team for like 13 yrs lived by a lake and went skiing , sailing, jet-skiing, and to the beach all the time. So of course the underwater theme is very sexy to me.

I wasn't expecting her to like the game due to the underwater theme, but even her hate for water couldn't hold her back from commenting how beautiful and fun the game looked. Also she tends to do better on games when they have that easy or casual setting.  I think she would love aquaria but at it's current difficulty she'd probably get a lil frustrated.

I know this would require some work , I mean technically you can just change how much damage the attacks take and the health you receive but would it be balanced and would it be too easy or would it still be fun for more casual gamers.  So if anything like this ever happens I think aquaria would reach a much larger audience and I said about making money and I know it's not all about that b/c you can see the passion pouring out in every aspect of this game.

Anyways I just love aquaria and I want everyone in the world to be able to experience it :) I'm happy with how it is.
Also I must comment the support is top notch. I can't believe you guys are able to keep up with everything knowing that you must be extremely tired since you just shipped the game.

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 15, 2007, 11:45:46 pm »
one thing that I got stuck was when you have to use bind to take the pearl from the statue. I dunno why I didn't think of it but I didn't realize you could and I was trying to go into energy form and I accidentally did the bind song and I was like ohhh so that's what you do lol. I think that was the only thing I really got stuck on so far, but then again i'm still only a few hours into the game

Games / Re: What game made you afraid?
« on: December 15, 2007, 09:45:03 pm »
Mm... Silent Hill 2 and Fatal Frame 2 are perty much the scariest things I've played. The human demo for Alien Versus Predator 2 was also really scary for me, but I was disappointed to find that the version I had bought was after a patch which moved all the Aliens into incredibly easy to spot places.
I almost had a heart attack when an alien fell from the ceiling to right in front of me and clawed my guts out.

I can't argue with that.  While playing silent hill 2 my one roomate was throwing pillows in the dark and putting ketchup on huge steak knives in the kitchen. It freaked me out completely.

And he played fatal frame 2 and I watched and I would have to leave the room half the time

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