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Messages - implicid

Pages: [1]
You guys are on the right track of what I meant, but i'll just re-clarify my meaning. I meant that after beating the Simon Says monster, a new theater mode would be unlocked where you now have unlimited access to any video. That is where I was going, but as I said, the possibilities are endless as to where and how to implement it. I'm sure that it would take some work but in the end, would be totally worth it and reward the player very nicely.

Why not just have a theater option?

I also think it would be a great idea to re-view the cutscenes and story sequences. It would be much more pleasant than having to keep 15 or more save files just to see them again.

Maybe an extra once you beat the game, or maybe releasing a patch that throws a hidden item that opens that mode in the options menu or something to that effect. If that's too much then you could even go as far as too put in a new simple event sequence such as the Simon Says monster where you go through it again(maybe a little more challenging) and unlock the theater mode. There's many ways to do it; it all depends on what Alec and Derek think. *nudges* ;)

Gameplay / Re: terminal turtle cancer (spoilers of course)
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:22:49 pm »
I refuse to believe that a big creature such as that turtle that has its own marker on the map is just there for looks. I know there has to be something. Thanks for the quick reply.  :)

Gameplay / terminal turtle cancer (spoilers of course)
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:04:20 pm »
Forgive the silly topic, but man does that giant turtle not look well. I require some assistance please. I have almost gotten everything on my own, but i'm just puzzled as to what secret the giant turtle holds. I know there has to be something i'm missing. If someone could just give me a hint I would appreciate it.  :)

So you know my status, I already took care of the whale quest and and have gotten everything except a few pieces of treasure and one pet.

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: December 03, 2007, 08:37:07 am »

* soundtrack CD

Be sure to do this no matter what.  ;) Looking forward to release!

General / Re: Aquaria's Popularity
« on: November 21, 2007, 05:48:03 am »
Not that I'm insinuating I know Moe better than you guys, but didn't he already tell you what he likes?   ??? ^-^

General / Re: Aquaria FAQ
« on: October 02, 2007, 04:30:44 am »
Well when the game/demo comes out its definately going on my blog/comic site.
If everyone tells at least 2 people it'll be great. :D

I already got ten in line. I say we support our Indie developers who truly have the knowledge and talent to create what so many commercial $60 or $50 games try to imitate for a quick buck. Indie popularity has got a long way to go yet, but Alec and Derek are doing there part in bringing it there.  ;)

To make this post relevant to the thread..... Aquaria rules and giant cocks don't :o (shame on your perverted mind, there's no such thing as giant roosters).  ???

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