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Messages - Bart_Hibbs

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple glitch?
« on: March 21, 2011, 11:39:14 pm »
Are you sure you actually beat him? The first time I fought him I had him jump through a wall and get "stuck". He was close enough I could see him over there, doing slow circles as the game is not equipped to handle an entity that is off the map. But if he had jumped farther.... it would have looked like he disappeared, and I might have thought I had won. As it was I killed the game and restarted from my last save.

Anyway, it gets easier as you do it. Go out, gather supplies, return, try again.

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: January 18, 2011, 11:08:22 pm »
You can hold down the control key to charge up a triple shot attack, then keep it held down indefinitely while you swim about. Once charged, and being held, it fires immediately upon release. Then you can lure him into swiping at you and just release the shot at the right time.

Also if you have not noticed, even single shots fire upon release of the control key, not when you press it, at least its that way on my Mac.

General / Re: Little Details
« on: January 11, 2011, 08:02:04 pm »
If you look real close at Naija when she is sleeping you will see her eyes are still open. Wait until she blinks, and you will see it. I assume its a limitation of the engine. So to prevent you from seeing that, she is programmed to cover her face.

My favorite is the evil laugh Naija has in energy form. And of course, the veil moment. You only get it once, you never get it again. Even on a replay, its just not the same. (But the memory is great).

My least favorite is how she accelerates when crossing from water to air. Sure I can see that if she is still kicking when crossing over, but if just coasting, speed should stay constant.

General / Re: why cant i play against the third form of the creator
« on: December 01, 2010, 06:28:13 pm »
Most consider the third form to be the bug. You just hunt it down and shoot it in the face. Eventually  it runs into the chamber to the right of the maze and you kill it there.

But you may mean the puppet form. You got to sing the three notes shown you in order, singing each after its ball appears but before it hits you. There are 2 methods:

Sit in the middle and be fast.
Swim to the top left and hide behind the thorn that's there and watch the balls get stuck against it. Sing the notes at your leisure.

Gameplay / Re: Bubble cave boss desperated me
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:58:58 pm »
Also there are some huggies in there somewhere. Get them first for the free healing.

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:56:40 pm »
He is considered by many to be the hardest boss in the game. What I do:
Some sequences are easier than others, like those with notes right beside each other. If its not an easy sequence, abort it (fail on purpose) and start again.
You can start repeating the notes before he is done. If you sneak in the first 2 notes, then stop to watch what he adds, you only need do the last 6 in the short time remaining.
Try it several times, then stop and go do something else with your time, something not Aquaria. Sleep on it.  Then next day it will be easier.
He is not required to complete the game. The reward is a permanent third cooking slot. So you can just ignore him.

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: October 26, 2010, 06:29:13 pm »
In that movie it looks like you are clicking sing over and over. What you need to do is just hold the button down.

Gameplay / Re: How many recipes do you find?
« on: September 22, 2010, 06:39:49 pm »
| RECIPE NAME       | Effects                          |
| Ingredient 1      | Ingredient 2    | Ingredient 3   |

| PAGE 1                                               |
| VERDHA SEA CRISP  | Defence + 2 for 15 seconds       |
| Buttery Sea Loaf  | Plant Leaf       | Any Bone      |
| HOT SOUP          | Speed + 1 for 30 seconds         |
| Any Oil           | Any Meat                         |
| COLD SOUP         |                                  |
| Any Soup          | Any Icechunk                     |
| SEA CAKE          | Heal + 1                         |
| Any Oil           | Any Egg                          |
| PAGE 2                                               |
| BUTTERY SEA LOAF  | Heal + 1                         |
| Sea Loaf          | Any Oil                          |
| LEAF POULTICE     | Heal + 1                         |
| Plant Leaf        | Plant Leaf                       |
| HEALING POULTICE  | Heal + 2                         |
| Leaf Poultice     | Jelly Oil                        |
| SWAMP CAKE        | Fish Form poison for 30 seconds  |
| Rotten Cake       | Healing Poultice                 |
| PAGE 3                                               |
| CRAB CAKE         | Defence + 2 for 15 seconds       |
| Sea Cake          | Crab Meat                        |
| TASTY CAKE        | Heal + 2                         |
| Sea Cake          | Small Eye                        |
| VEGGIE CAKE       | Regeneration x 1                 |
| Sea Cake          | Plant Leaf                       |
| DUMBO ICE CREAM   | Sun Form up for 60 seconds       |
| Small Eye         | Glowing Egg      | Any Ice Cream |
| PAGE 4                                               |
| VEGGIE ICE CREAM  | Regeneration x 1                 |
| Plant Leaf        | Any Ice Cream                    |
| BERRY ICE CREAM   | Heal + 1 - Li will eat           |
| Red Berry         | Any Ice Cream                    |
| ICE CREAM         | Tasty!                           |
| Jelly Oil         | Any Egg          | Any Icechunk  |
| LEGENDARY CAKE    | Invincibility for 10 seconds     |
| Tasty Cake        | Arcane Poultice  | Ruhk Egg      |
| PAGE 5                                               |
| SPECIAL CAKE      | Regeneration x 2                 |
| Veggie Cake       | Red Berry                        |
| TOUGH CAKE        | Heal + 2                         |
|                   | Defence + 2 for 15 seconds       |
| Sea Cake          | Rubbery Meat                     |
| DIVINE SOUP       | Speed + 2 for 30 seconds         |
|                   | Heal + 5                         |
| Royal Soup        | Magic Soup                       |
| VEGGIE SOUP       | Speed + 1 for 30 seconds         |
|                   | Regeneration + 1                 |
| Hot Soup          | Any Bulb                         |
| PAGE 6                                               |
| VEGGIE SOUP       | Speed + 1 for 30 seconds         |
|                   | Regeneration + 1                 |
| Hot Soup          | Plant Leaf                       |
| HEARTY SOUP       | Speed + 1 for 30 seconds         |
|                   | Defence + 1 for 15 seconds       |
| Hot Soup          | Any Meat                         |
| SHARK FIN SOUP    | Bite Power Up for 30 seconds     |
| Hearty Soup       | Shark Fin                        |
| RAINBOW SOUP      | Trippy                           |
| Rainbow Mushroom  | Any Soup                         |
| PAGE 7                                               |
| SPICY SOUP        | Beast Shot                       |
| Hot Soup          | Spicy Meat                       |
| ROYAL SOUP        | Speed + 2 for 30 seconds         |
| Hearty Soup       | Veggie Cake                      |
| MAGIC SOUP        | Speed + 1 for 30 seconds         |
|                   | Heal + 2                         |
| Hearty Soup       | Healing Poultice                 |
| ARCANE POULTICE   | Full Health                      |
| Leaf Poultice     | Special Bulb + Eel Oil           |
| PAGE 8                                               |
| LONG LIFE SOUP    | Heal + 1                         |
|                   | Regeneration + 1                 |
| Hot Soup          | Small Tentacle   | Any Mushroom  |
| HAND ROLL         | Heal + 1                         |
| Plant Leaf        | Any Meat                         |
| TASTY ROLL        | Heal + 2                         |
| Hand Roll         | Fish Oil                         |
| SPIDER ROLL       | Web Ability for 8 seconds        |
| Hand Roll         | Spider Egg                       |
| PAGE 9                                               |
| POISON LOAF       | Heal - 2                         |
| Poison Soup       | Anything                         |
| ZUNNA'S PEROGI    | Energy Shot + 3 for 45 seconds   |
|                   | Poisoned                         |
| Poison Soup       | Any Perogi                       |
| PLUMP PEROGI      | Energy Shot + 2 for 45 seconds   |
|                   | Defence + 2 for 15 seconds       |
| Perogi            | Any Mushroom                     |
| PEROGI            | Energy Shot + 1 for 45 seconds   |
|                   | Defence + 1 for 15 seconds       |
| Hand Roll         | Any Oil          | Any Egg       |
| PAGE 10                                              |
| LEADERSHIP ROLL   | Pet Power Up for 30 seconds      |
| Hand Roll         | Swordfish Steak  | Small Eye     |
| VOLCANO ROLL      | Energy Shot + 2 for 45 seconds   |
| Spicy Roll        | Red Bulb         | Spicy Soup    |
| SPICY ROLL        | Energy Shot + 1 for 45 seconds   |
| Plant Leaf        | Fish Oil         | Spicy Meat    |
| SIGHT POULTICE    | Heal + 2                         |
|                   | Blindness Cured                  |
| Healing Poultice  | Small Eye                        |
| PAGE 11                                              |
| LEECHING POULTICE | Heal + 2                         |
|                   | Poison Cured                     |
| Healing Poultice  | Glowing Egg                      |
| VEDHA'S CURE-ALL  | Heal + 2                         |
|                   | All Status Cured                 |
| Healing Poultice  | Buttery Sea Loaf | Small Bone    |
| COLD BORSCHT      | Heal + 3                         |
|                   | Defence + 1 for 15 seconds       |
| Cold Soup         | Red Berry        | Red Bulb      |
| HOT BORSCHT       | Heal + 3                         |
|                   | Speed + 1 for 30 seconds         |
| Hot Soup          | Red Berry        | Red Bulb      |
| PAGE 12                                              |
| TURTLE SOUP       | Defence + 3 for 15 seconds       |
| Hearty Soup       | Turtle Meat                      |
| LOAF OF LIFE      | Full Health                      |
|                   | Regeneration x 3                 |
|                   | Defence + 3 for 15 seconds       |
|                   | All Status Cured                 |
| Buttery Sea Loaf  | Legendary Cake   |  Divine Soup  |
| POISON LOAF       | Heal - 2                         |
| Rotten Meat       | Anything                         |
| ROTTEN CAKE       | Heal - 2                         |
| Sea Cake          | Rotten Meat                      |
| PAGE 13                                              |
| POISON SOUP       | Poisoned                         |
| Rotten Meat       | Any Soup                         |
| POISON LOAF       | Heal - 2                         |
| Poison Loaf       | Poison Loaf                      |

Gameplay / Re: The Eleventh Face
« on: August 30, 2010, 07:35:18 pm »
Yea, in his walk through Aaron mis-quoted Mithala as saying Naija was the thirteenth, where he actually said that Naija was the daughter of the thirteenth, so Aaron got that last face wrong too. Or he was purposely giving dis-information so as to not spoil the ending and epilogue.

Now a related question: in the epilogue we see Lucien getting the story from the blue crystal and flying off, but we also see a woman sleeping, obviously not Naija, shes taller and thinner. Who's that? Did Naija and Li have two offspring?

Gameplay / Re: The Eleventh Face
« on: August 26, 2010, 12:43:28 am »
Aaron Demner's walkthrough lists them as
"Nautilus Prime
Crabbius Maximus
Octopus Prime
the giant Turtle Momma
the Fallen God
the Arnassi
the Erulian
the Krotite
the Drunian
the guys from The Sun Temple
Mithala pre-corruption
a Mithalan

Gameplay / Re: Where's the Simon Says boss?
« on: August 26, 2010, 12:31:08 am »
I did it with my MacBook Pro trackpad, and a finger on the control button. That works fine for the entire game, but Simon drives me nuts! Using a mouse does not seem to make the matter easier, I just got to get a good sequence. I even abort sequences I see are going to be hard. And it never helps when in the middle of it Li and Naija start hugging. Get a room already!

One night I worked on him for 15 minutes until I had enough, and the next morning did it first try. I think that may be a method: The Simon Says game uses parts of our brain that get little use in the present world. Try the game, give your brain a night to process the new task, and its easier. Other times I did it in one sitting, after a zillion tries. I think it also helps if after you fail, you wait 10 seconds or so for the old pattern to flush out of your short term memory, so as to not confuse you when you try the new one.

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:02:49 pm »
A good way to dodge the poison balls of form 2 is to swim along the wall, away from him. After the last one hits the wall, reverse course and shoot. The same trick works in the final Battle Cosmic, dodge toward him, and the energy balls impact his body.

Also in that battle, you can shoot the blue face with energy form while sitting above where the big beam appears, much safer. And as you can keep a stream of shots in flight, you do not need to get the timing right.

Gameplay / The amazing swimming rock!
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:45:24 pm »
Try this: find a snail which, in its crawling about, crawls on a rock. There is one in the energy temple and one in the veil. Wait until its on the rock, then bind the rock (make sure to position yourself so you do not bind the snail shell). Move the rock a bit, then release it.

And watch.

Modding / Re: Script mod: Hug-on-Demand
« on: August 23, 2010, 05:45:48 pm »
I think "forcehug" is used in the game when you free Li from the red bubble, in the body.

Modding / Continuous fire key?
« on: August 06, 2010, 07:56:40 pm »
One aspect of this game that gets to me is the need to keep pounding away to kill stuff. It sure would be nice if I could just hold down a key for continuous fire. It would have to be a different key than normal fire of course, as normal fire has a function for being held down.
I was able to sort of make this work using a computer automator called "Quickeys" but the fire rate was slow compared to what you can get manually.

Is it possible to make a mod that gives this function to the game?

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