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Messages - See.Blue

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Gameplay / Re: frozen veil ? (spoilers i think)
« on: November 08, 2009, 03:06:40 pm »
Hey welcome to the boards! Frozen Veil is a little off the beaten path.  Try looking for it in the bottom of the eastern reaches of the abyss.  If I recall correctly, you should also need Spirit form

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Song Door [Minor Potential Spoilers]
« on: November 03, 2009, 04:33:59 am »
 :D :D :D

Alec, I don't know if you'll even read this (or bother responding  :P) but I was wondering (and now for something completely different), if you happen to remember, does the hit-box around the Energy God's tail extend all the way to the ceiling of the hallway you fight him? When you push him back all the way, the little bit of added height in the hallway's ceiling makes it look like you might be able to get above and around him when he lunges. I've been playing around with using +speed items and I can get what looks like ~an inch by in-game measurements away from getting behind him before he straightens up.  Any information about how if I ever manage it I'll just be ramming Naija's pretty head into an invisible (and damaging) wall would be appreciated  :P

General / Re: Changing forms instant?
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:22:59 am »
No! Don't give Alec any ideas!  :o  :) He already did away with the esc food cheat because one too many people mentioned it on the forums.  :P

The esc food cheat though had some other much glitchier effects too though like making the game ignore triggers...

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Song Door [Minor Potential Spoilers]
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:15:19 am »
Probably.  I know it's a point of contention between many fans of a video-game and runners but runs are always performed on whichever version allows the fastest time, in this case, 1.00 by a long shot.  The reasoning behind this is if someone were to run a game while only patch A was out, then the game was patched to B which took away numerous sequence breaks and time-saving glitches in A, it would be unfair to require subsequent runners to use patch B (as it would render a new record or even roughly equivalent time effectively impossible), but also unfair to throw out the run that was performed on patch A (as it was a legitimate run and the fastest at the time).  If possible, glitching the Sun Temple's song door would be far from the largest glitch employed in the run.  It rankles many fans to see a loved game disassembled like that, but personally I see it as dedication to the game.  I was hoping to hear if anyone who was around in ye olde days remembered any experiences relating to this.

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Song Door [Minor Potential Spoilers]
« on: November 01, 2009, 09:50:29 pm »
I'm sure it was.  I'm currently working on a speed-run of the game and I'm trying to figure out the fastest way to get through that area. Some of the people at Speed Demos archive have reported being glitch though it in fish form too though no one can yet replicate it it seems.  If that's the case I'm going to measure which costs more time, simply using the crystal or getting Fish form.  Ideally though I'd like to see if the glitch is replicable and whether or not it can be performed in other forms

Gameplay / Sun Temple Song Door [Minor Potential Spoilers]
« on: November 01, 2009, 08:16:49 pm »
My first time through the game, I managed to clip through the song door in the basement of the Sun Temple without bothering with lighting up the crystal.  I think I had used fish form at the time to do this but I'm not sure whether it is necessary.  Has anyone else had similar experiences (preferably of the replicable variety  ;))?

Gameplay / Re: Mithalas City Currents Without Beast (Now With Video!!)
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:48:35 pm »
They're immortal Align, so you can stop trying. ^^

Also, very nice vid See.Blue, though it has no use, it's a neat trick. Too bad there aren't any rocks there, huh?

Haha well originally I thought maybe I could jellyfish-missile but once I learned you couldn't plant on them I was very disapointed  ;D.  Look on the bright side, I think it was you or silver talking about backtracking for treasures in the Veil thread? Well here you go, one fewer backtrack.  Ultimately I'd love to find a way to get everything without a single backtrack.  One day........  ;)

Games / Re: Heroes + Villains
« on: February 13, 2009, 12:19:08 am »
Watched the vid, looks terrific!

Gameplay / Re: Mithalas City Currents Without Beast (Now With Video!!)
« on: February 13, 2009, 12:09:03 am »
Video added! I've gotten quite fast at it, though as you'll see my jellyfish wasn't feeling like being corralled this time.

Gameplay / Mithalas City Currents Without Beast (Now With Video!!)
« on: February 12, 2009, 11:43:32 pm »
Ok so the currents in Mithalas city have just fallen.  They're doable without beast.  First let me preface this by saying this trick isn't really that important or quick.  It get effectively gets you Spirit before Beast and it takes some time.  But more importantly, its just a really neat trick.

Requires: Nature, Energy

1. Swim up and attatch to the large Jellyfish that's up-right of the entrance hallway (coming from Open Waters) using energy shots,
2. Navigate yourself on your Jellymobile down and around into the far right-hand corridor
3.  Push him up until two Mithalan houses make an impass that the Jelly can't fit through
4.  This is hard to explain (I'll make a vid shortly) but using briars, slowly wedge the jelly through the gap.  You should be placing them at angles along the houses on either side.  This takes advantage of the fact you can shoot briars through other briars and through the Jelly.  Plant one on each house to wedge it in then keep alternating sides and planting one a little above the last.  You'll eventually get it through.*
5.  Ride the jelly up to the current
6. Attatch to rear of jelly and span energy shots into it and you will ride it through the current to the Mithalas Pot and Spirit Form!!!

* No Jellys were killed in the figuring out of this sequence break, though this process is probably close to being as morally reprehensible as monkey-launching.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy1fwMDbrOo (may take a couple of minutes for youtube to process it)

Gameplay / Re: beast form?
« on: February 11, 2009, 03:28:45 pm »
That worked? Whoa.  :) How much time / health did it take?

Haha nature form is hax

Gameplay / Re: Early Veil Sequence Break (No Beast): Now With Video
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:01:41 am »
Heh, another thing for Alec to fix then.

I disagree.  Sequence breaks and little tricks like that make the game so much more fun.  These aren't things that are game-breaking or even game changing, if anything they lend a little additional depth even to the learning-the-ropes process (and besides its always fun to realize you just discovered something extra in the game).  I mean its possible to briar-climb the outside of the Sun temple to jump right to the sun worm but thats neither something an inexperienced player would even think to try or something that really breaks the game and definitely shouldn't be patched. Aquaria's my virtual jungle gym, the more options the better  :) ;)

Gameplay / Re: Early Veil Sequence Break (No Beast): Now With Video
« on: February 08, 2009, 05:02:32 pm »
Either way, the only reason I wondered if there were any currents with treasures behind them was because it would maybe be quicker and skip a few backtracks needed to get the necessary things.

I'm sure there're tricks.  That's the best kind of exploration.  Like in the Kelp Forest, its easily possible to get the Walker Baby treasure without Sun or Spirit form. Just know where the hole is and when you get to the spirit barrier hold on to the right side of the big walker and wall-jump along it's back towards the treasure.  You can even get back out too  :)

Gameplay / Re: Early Veil Sequence Break (No Beast): Now With Video
« on: February 08, 2009, 01:31:27 am »
I don't think there's any rocks in Mithalas unfortunately.  Though I've wondered if there aren't some more briar shenanigans to be found that can help with currents (or if you get a perfect launch if it's strong enough).  I actually just began a litmus test speed run (Energy Temple Entrance, 8 minutes) but when I finish up I want to play around and see.

Also, can briar-missiles get you through the hot currents? If so I want to try to plant a briar on the Mithalas throne token and see if I can ride that to the Spirit form boss (I forget if the barrier there only closes once you enter the room or if it spawns closed).  That'd let us get all treasures without beast

Gameplay / Re: Early Veil Sequence Break (No Beast): Now With Video
« on: February 07, 2009, 05:03:12 am »
It does look easy, but I be it isn't that easy at all. How many tries before you got that video of it see.blue?

Haha while trying to figure out if the trick was possible I got it second try .  The time I got the vid was after about 5 minutes of fumbling (and 4 successes off cam  ^-^).  The trick is to be attached to or literally touching the rock when you cast bind, otherwise you either drag the rock too far from the wall and you miss the angle or too close and it gets hung up on the wall. Once you know that its surprisingly reliable actually, give it a shot next time you're in the area

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