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Messages - Titch

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General / Aquaria OC Remix
« on: November 15, 2009, 02:31:11 pm »
Someone posted a remix for Aquaria on Overclocked Remix:

It's only on the youtube channel at the moment, but there is a game entry so the remix should be appearing on the site soon: http://ocremix.org/game/585/aquaria-win

Off-Topic / Re: Tell Me Your Taste In Internet Animations
« on: March 03, 2009, 11:23:58 pm »
Composer doesn't. Waterlollies does though.

Off-Topic / Re: Tell Me Your Taste In Internet Animations
« on: March 03, 2009, 02:59:35 pm »
Blockhead is a little -too- random for me. Brackenwood is awesome, but the later ones lag on my computer.

Off-Topic / Re: Tell Me Your Taste In Internet Animations
« on: March 03, 2009, 02:19:47 am »
CCC City stuff by Vinnie Veritas. There is something I love about his world design, clean but detailed style and use of cool camera effects, rapid cuts and distortion to create something that really zips. Also the sense of narrative in stuff like Hoy Te Amo and Eres Venero is amazingly strong despite the lack of any kind of dialog.

There She Is by SamBakZa is also pretty good. Although some people have been pretty critical of it's change of tone in one of the later episodes.

Nightmare City by Clairvoyance team is pretty good. I can't say the design really grabs me, but some of the action is really flashy looking.

General / Re: Game time
« on: February 21, 2009, 02:49:54 pm »
Untill Steam foobar'd my stats, I had 45 hours logged on Aquaria, although a lot of that time was working on mod stuff. My playtime is around 20-25 hours.

I kept on going back to the Submarine, it looked like something you should be able to interact with.

Modding / Re: White Square Head-syndrome
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:25:36 pm »
I'm glad it worked for you. I'm not terribly good at writing tutorials (dyslexia brain is a killer for that kind of stuff), which is too bad because I've worked a few things out on my modding journey and it would be nice get them down in a concise way.

I haven't dared touch Li's scripts yet. I have a feeling you are right about map reloading changing something with Li, either that or it's so internal state flag with Naija, which might be a problem. It's a bit of a shot in the dark, but have you tried giving Naija Li's song and singing it instead of reloading the map and seeing if that has any effect?

General / Re: So whens the sequel? :p
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:33:24 am »
It seems to me Grahf that you picked up a short story or novelette and you found it disappointing that it didn't contain the content of a full blown novel. Aquaria is not an RPG. If you know anything about games writing, then you would know that most games (as in ones that aren't 40 hours long on a single play through) are written in a single act structure; because unless you are Hideo Kojima you have to keep narrative content balanced with gameplay in order to deliver a good gameplay experience. A one act structure doesn't give you a lot to play with when it comes to character development and plot twists.

Also, Chrono Trigger. New and exciting? Don't make me laugh.  I love Chrono Trigger, but Time Travel and Defeating the big evil monster that is sucking the life out of the planet is hardly new. There was a book, it was called 'The Time Machine' or something like that -_-;

Gameplay / Re: Stupid question: green links (possible spoiler)
« on: February 09, 2009, 03:05:17 am »
How about I pretend to not have a gender at all, just to further confuse the situation?

General / Re: The Widescreen Thread
« on: February 08, 2009, 04:46:09 pm »
Those  (15:4) ratio screens are insane. I want to play where I can see two screen lengths all the time XD.

General / Re: Great Game Horrible Controls?
« on: February 08, 2009, 04:42:41 pm »
I think the WASD is a pain in the ass, but only because it's making Ninja Form teleport a little more complex to implement and I've never needed it playing the game.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: February 08, 2009, 04:31:35 pm »
I feel like we are rapidly approaching some kind of Metroiquaria or Aquatroid or something. I would be pretty sweet to add metroid enemies to go along with the Z-suit.

General / Re: So whens the sequel? :p
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:48:34 am »
Flight wouldn't be that hard to mod in, y'know. Among the many things I want to try once I get to good grips with doing custom forms is adding a flight form.

Modding / Re: White Square Head-syndrome
« on: February 07, 2009, 09:34:34 pm »
NB means nota bene, which is latin for 'note well'. The reason it worked on the old mod is that the skin file was called naija.xml, so the game was finding the default naija headset in the aquaria/gfx/naija folder. You could probably just called your skin file naija.xml but I worry about stuff like that causing conflicts, which is why the method I gave is more convoluted than strictly needed.

I've re-written the instructions to try and add some more clarity to them, I've also added a stripped down mod file so you can see the structure in it's simplist possible form. I'm not very good at tutorials, it took nearly two hours for me to pull this simple thing together because combined re-writes and having to start Aquaria so many times to check everything is in order. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful Alpha, explaining things through writing has never come very naturally to me. To my knowledge I am the only one who has fixed the head texture issue so I'm doing my best to help.

Modding / Re: White Square Head-syndrome
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:09:30 pm »
Ok, so getting heads to work 101. You can download the modfile here. I'm using a copy of AlphaSoldiers Zerosuit skin for this, since I was trying to help with his problem with custom head skins initially. You should substitute all instances of zerosuit for whatever name you used for your skins xml file in the animation directory.

1. Put all the png's for the skin in a \naija sub directory inside graphics. In the example of zerosuit


The game will automatically be looking for the head graphics in this folder. To my knowledge the head graphics are hard coded this way, no matter what you put in the skin xml file it will always look in the mod graphics folder and then in the root Aquaria graphics folder for a head file with a name that matches the skin, this means if you use naija.xml for your skin file you should end up with the standard form Naija heads in the aquaria root/gfx folder.

NOTE: If you just moved all your png's into the naija subdirectory, don't forget to update the xml file for the skin to point to "naija/graphic.png" so it doesn't screw up the rest of your skin.

2. All the heads must have a file title that matches the name of the xml that defines the skin. That means if you skin is called zerosuit.xml then your head must be :- graphics\naija\zerosuit-head.png.


3. If you aren't using naija.xml for your skin file, you will want to add at setcostume("mycosutmename") call in the code. To get it to switch. Putting this in mod-init.lua causes an instant crash. I just added a node into the level that switches the costume over on first update, like this:
Code: [Select]

function update (me,dt)
    if runonce == false then
        runonce = true
There is probably a more elegant way of doing it, but I was trying to put this tutorial together in a snap.

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