Hah, the Strongbad mail are awesome, seen them before, and I've also seen the There She Is animations, also very nice.
Haven't seen the other two, might do so some time, the animations seem to be good. =o
And Zeke, I WAS in a bad mood, but my opinion didn't change. None the less, it's just an opinion of someone, there are loads of things I don't like, just like every other person. ^^
Then to show what I like:
Blockhead - A series I enjoyed a lot, a lot of randomness and it doesn't take too much brain to understand the humour. =p (does not mean that applies to me, tyvm)
Mastermind - From the same creator, also random and stuff. This series also have games accompanied with it, ones I also enjoy.
Brackenwood - Who doesn't know Bitey?
The Composer - I also assume that everyone has seen this one, even though not a series, an animation to be seen and appreciated by all.
And there are probably some more... Though, to come back on what I don't like, I personally think the "<insert first word of game here> Awesome" series should be banned from Newgrounds.
Oh, and as you noticed, I don't know anything related to flash series outside of Newgrounds. 8D