Hmm, never knew you edited this, but I just wanted to let you know that the head works now.
I found out that heads, no matter what, needs to be in /gfx/naija no matter what skin you're using. Eventually I ended up throwing everything into the naija folder, instead of having a subfolder called zerosuit, which I believe you told me to try earlier on.
Either way, if I would've seen you edited your post I wouldn't have spend 2 days on it. XD
The script I used was a simple click to change suit, which perfectly worked. I had no problems with that. Eventually, the only thing that went wrong, like I said multiple times was the head. I have to note that I'm not that big of a rookie in scripting. =p
Either way, thanks. ^^
Oh, and by chance, nota bene, is perfect Dutch too.
Next hole I fall into is that I want to have a working dual form. What I have in my script so far is that Naija is given the song, and Li is spawned with his flag being 100, which is his normal flag once you've found him and he follows you.
Sadly enough, when I try to change to dual form, the game just crashes, the log says nothing but that my last form was 0 and my next form is the Dual form, nothing after that.
Another nice riddle I can't figure out.
However, when I reload the map, still have Li with me, it works perfectly fine and I can change.
I think when the map reloads Li reloads too and somehow does something that makes Dual form work, but I don't know what, I've looked at several scripts li.lua, licage.lua and even the map everything happened in when you get the form, but I didn't find much, though li.lua is way too big, I must've missed something there.