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Messages - Vetehinen

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: April 25, 2014, 05:56:10 pm »
That looks very nice!  ;D

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:14:30 pm »
Oh, that fan art collection surely is handy. That would be nice to have in the 1st page as well.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: October 03, 2012, 08:22:35 pm »
Daaaamn good job with these two works, Kein.  I like this style a lot!

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: July 18, 2012, 07:44:48 pm »

Phew, it took "a bit" longer than what I expected. I had this image of "Sun Temple" in my mind for about half a year, and today in 1,5 hours I drew it. Slow progress, especially since there are so many beautiful events in this game I want to draw....

Graphite pencil work.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:27:40 pm »
Hurray :D

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:02:49 am »
@ FrancesF: Thank you, glad you like this!

Hm, Sun Temple will be a fun theme to draw. I think it'll show interiors of the Temple, showing those giant mechanisms, and light coming from giant windows. I like to play with light in my drawings.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: September 18, 2011, 01:42:23 pm »
Sun Temple, now that's a good idea. I loved that part of the game, and the music there was awesome as well.

Here's a quick graphite pencil drawing I made yesterday (2-3 hours).

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: September 05, 2011, 12:41:09 am »
Well, previously Alphasoldier suggested a theme "nature boss fight", and that was a great idea. So yes, basically I'm "listening" if someone could suggest me an idea what to draw.

Previously I have drawn Naija in Mithalas ruins, scene of memories, energy form, menu screen version, Naija sitting on a cliff... and it seems I have forgotten some of the most unique moments.

"Depends", you say!  ;D

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:38:27 am »
Hm, I feel like drawing again, just listened the Ost through couple of times. It's a wonder how one game can captive my mind for so many years! But this is more like a phenomenon than just a "game".

I wonder if someone could give me theme suggestions? I have few in my mind, but there're too many I have forgotten.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:38:29 pm »
Very nice! I think it's not too bad to give her an older look, altough on the other hand I imagine her to look like, well, ageless. Something that has existed for, say, many decades but doesn't look like it. She's a doll after all, right?

I'm still quite surprised to see fan art from a game that hasn't been released yet :) Keep on drawing/painting!

Thank you very much for the comments concerning fan art I drew earlier!

General / Re: Aquaria Anniversary ~ December 7
« on: December 08, 2010, 01:05:02 pm »
Ah, splendid. Well then, I guess I'll need an extra large cup of coffee... or a full coffee pot, actually.

"Developer diaries" and such forms of media are always interesting. Thank you for sharing this information.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: December 04, 2010, 07:43:09 pm »
Here it is, transportation turtle and Naija. Thank you for the idea  ;)

Graphite pencil work, took about 4 hours. Like in previous works, colours and contrasts adjusted "a bit".

I'll draw some more, graphite works are really quick to do if compared to ones made with drawing ink.

General / Re: Aquaria Anniversary ~ December 7
« on: November 30, 2010, 12:41:29 pm »
Looking forward to it, too. By the way... Is wishing "happy birthday Aquaria" appropriate?

Ah, year 2008 was good because of Aquaria (I bought my copy in April -08). I think I'll celebrate this anniversary in December by drawing fan art :D

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:45:17 pm »
Lets continue drawing some fan art. I was very happy that Nature Boss Fight was suggested earlier (it wouldn't have come to my mind otherwise), so if someone could suggest a new theme I would appreciate it  :)

I had some plans to illustrate beast form, or to give a try and colour my 1st Aquaria illustration digitally (I scanned it with outlines before I drew it completely). Digital drawing isn't my tool of choice, though, but playing with colours could be interesting + could add the "underwater" feeling my pics lack.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:04:49 pm »
Hoho, well that comic QnanG5284 made was great in b&w, but colours really add the last piece to it's look! Kinda reminds me of Marvels comics in a good way. Really professional looking job indeed...

Very good use of colours in Senorctenophores art as well, and boy, Naija and sea creatures looks awesome. Watercolouring, huh... I first thought of copic markers or crayons when I saw this. Great job to bring some humour to fan art :)

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