Hi everyone. I’ve been lurking on this forum for a bit and finally decided to join. I’ve never really created fanart before, but after playing through Aquaria I felt an inescapable desire to create some for the first time. So here you go. I normally work in colored pencil, but for these I wanted to try out some watercolor. I’m still getting the hang of it, though, so please forgive some of the sloppiness.
Anyway, about these pieces:

One of my favorite elements of the game is all the ambient wildlife you can interact with. I particularly love Ekkrit because he's just so dang happy to see Naija when she runs into him. He seems like he could follow her around all day doing loop-de-loops around her. As you can see, I’m also a big fan of those purple, buggy-eyed fish that cluster around Naija in the Open Waters. As a SCUBA diver, I know what a great feeling it is to have a little school of fish following you around (usually they’re looking for you to scare up something they can eat).

For some reason I get a huge kick out of watching the Grouper gobble up whatever Naija drops. Then when I found out he can accidentally swallow HER if she gets in the way… well, I must’ve spent a good ten minutes just making him gulp down our poor mer-woman and spit her across the screen (incidentally, what exactly do you call Naija’s species? Is she a mermaid? A fishwoman? I assumed for a while that she was supposed to be a Mithalan, but I think there are a couple of hints that she’s not quite the same as them. Maybe a Mithalan 2.0? Or, seeing as how she seems to be unique, is she just called a Naija?)
I’m working on a few more pieces right now that I’ll hopefully be able to post in the near future.