I've got a couple of suggestions for fanart:
1.) How about some art showcasing the weird, wonderful wildlife that populates Aquaria such as the Predatory Tunicates or the Transportation Turtles or the Mutilus or even some of the obscure critters like the ugly fish with the isopod in its mouth or the robotic fish in the sun temple? Or how about another Ekkrit piece? Can't get enough Ekkrit.
2.) I'd like to see some more pieces featuring Li. I know a lot of people aren't big fans of him because we don't get to know him very well, so let's make some art to try and change that. How about, for example, a mini-comic or just a vignette from his perspective? Try to imagine what he thinks of this whole other world he's just found. Maybe something explaining what he was doing at the Veil anyway. I've always pictured him as a scientist studying the biology of these isolated islands where he happened to see this cute siren-girl when he was a grad student. And just what does he know about the Sunken City anyway?
3.) How about some art about the other Aquarian races like the Lunarians or the Erulians or the Arnassi? Especially the Arnassi. They get kind of cheated story-wise (no plot-pivotal boss plus you only get to see them as ghosts), but I think it'd be fun to figure out just what the heck they were all about. I picture them like beefy, athletics-obsessed pseudo-Greek people. With seahorse bodies.