Hi guys,
First I'd like to thank all of you who are helping cause I did many mistakes at the start of the game (I had nature form, but not beast one, went to The Abyss without going through Veil before ... xD) ... So thanks ! ^^
But here I need your help once again, because I can't find the answer by researching in : it is about Li, and well ... results with "li" are really a lot of course, but not the guy. ^^
(Maybe some spoilers)
I have 3 pets, all forms until the spirit one, explored all what I can explore in The Abyss, and 2 of the memories (god I hate climbing, I suck at it !) ...
I know I have to go to the door she said she knows, and I also know I need Li's help.
My problem is that I just can't understand how to meet him !
Let me explain : I went through the Veil, saw him & tried to follow him cause I'm a curious girl, went to his cave, explored it. And then ? I know I'm probably missing something obvious but I just can't find where he's supposed to be so I can interact with him !
So if someone could help me to get thus guy it would be great. :p
Thanks !
(& sorry for my english, I'm french so I hope my problem is well enough explained :/)