The trick with dual form is to scream.
Kill 3 things using dual-form-Li to charge up the shout (you will hear a soft scream sound to indicate you are charged up), press R to change to dual-form-Naija then move in the middle of a large group of tough to kill enemies, and scream. Now all those enemies will all shatter.
The enemies are more or less placed such that a small bunch of relatively easy enemies alternate a more difficult pack, so it will go a lot easier once you get the hang of it. This will get rid of enemies much faster than energy shooting them to death.
Those fireball shooting smiley sun thingies require 2 screams each to kill. Its is easier to just avoid being hit and ignore them.
Also, they are a great source of health! If you use spirit form, you can absorb 5 missiles for 1 HP of health. If you hit spirit form at the right moment, just after they shoot a new set of fire balls, you can absorb almost all of them in one move. In addition to healing you, the absorbed fire balls will also be gone and not hit you anymore.
The jelly armor will heal you if you are below 50% health, but only in song form. (normal form) The horrors (crab like beings that hang from the ceiling) can be dealt with by using song form and shield, then position yourself such that their projectiles get bounced back to them. Its somewhat slow, but requires little effort, just keep shield up, and it allows the jelly armor to do its thing at the same time.