Hey, hope I'm not posting something old... I found this little yellow creature in the Kelp Forest. It's in the area with the transport turtle, and he hides mostly in the "labyrinth" area. That guy is very fast, once you spot him he will speed off the screen, so you gotta be fast killing him!! But it pays off, I caught him a couple of times, he dropped of Arcane Poultices, Veggie Cakes and once also Hot Borschts! So rather rare and and valuable items...

I often spotted him near by the transport turtle where he speeds off to the west ending up in the northern exit of this area. Once he is killed he can be respawned by exiting and reentering the area...
Would be cool to know if he drops any other items than the ones I got. I still need to find a place to harvest special bulbs and red bulbs... Anyone know?
(Original Screenshot)EDIT: Topic Title edited from Arcane Poultice to Hot Borscht, because they're scarcer