I didn't like Li when he first showed up.
A large part of the game was the tremendous feeling of solitude. No matter how many bizarre creatures Naija encountered, it didn't change the fact that she was utterly unique and alone. Finding a companion felt like something that should be at the end of the game, not the middle. I seriously considered leaving him in the cave, just to preserve that quiet, calm feeling. I decided against it on the grounds that it might cause me to miss storyline.
He shot things, too. That kind of aggravated me, even if you could turn it off. Naija was plenty strong! She didn't need anybody protecting her! There were even times when I'd much rather sneak past enemies when the overly trigger-happy Li would start a fight anyways. Besides, he looked kinda scrawny. Not exactly an aquatic Prince Charming. He didn't seem too bright either, following Naija around like a pet.
I was pondering where to go next, leaving Naija and Li floating stationary in the water while I thought about possible routes and secrets. Suddenly, Naija and Li moved on their own - and hugged and smiled. It was freaking adorable.

That was when it all changed for me. Suddenly, Li's over-protectiveness became cute. The trusting way he followed Naija around, putting faith in her experience (even to the point of turning off his weapon if she asked!). The way that he didn't interfere with Naija's chosen life of exploration, instead following her and supporting her as best he could. I started noticing random bits of cuteness, like the way they would look at each other when they weren't doing anything else. I could really understand what Naija saw in him. When he was taken away I actually exclaimed in dismay, and eagerly looked forward to finding the creature responsible and filling it full of energy shots. Thankfully, no one was around to hear my delighted squeal when they were reunited, or I'd still be catching hell for it.
Not bad for a character who never says anything.