Hmm, online multiplayer, Naija's everywhere... Hell yeah!
It would be fun to have some sort of multiplayer story, yeah. The only problem would be Li, I think anyway, seeing he follows one person the whole time.
I like the idea of multiplayer though, if it's just 2 player co-op on one comp or multiplayer online, which would be awesome.
And I think competitive would be too much of a problem, seeing there are also enemies around you. But it would ALSO be possible to have a nice level in which you can play combat in. Just 1vs1, oh think of the ideas...
Classical deathmatch? sounds like Aquaria Tournament

, and it's rather interesting... But that would require rebuilding whole game. If I remember Alec has already spoken about this idea, but it would require someone who would rebuild the game code. The only one person who's able to do this is still only Alec

Yeah, it would be fun to play this kind of a mod, especially with people from the forums or other fans and players of Aquaria

There could be some play modes like ctf, jail break or onslaught - they seem to fit the game idea the best. Lets just set that the characters would be choseable from different races of the world, each with some unique stuff and abilities and the game, where we have to cities and to teams of struggling people, and two hmm... energy crystals (power cores?) in the central parts of the cities, which are the energy sources. The task is to destroy the energy core of a opposite team. There could be also somekind of a jail and every character which gets killed, goes to jail. to free other players from jail, someone will have to unlock the triggers, also located somewhere in the center of the city. The jail and the core wouldn't be of course to close to each other, and the spawning points or teleports of defending team would be also a bit further, so the escaping players would have time to rejoin their team.
It's of course only harse idea, but this would be fun to play this kind of a mod

. There worst problem is to add a game client engine, which would be responsible for all the connections beetwen the players and this would propably also require a server to maintain, if we would go in the same way as the battlenet, but it's rather an optional thing.