Oh god, some of the replies here.

I dunno, I kind of expected something horribly drawn, and so far that's all that's been done. However, I don't see that stopping anyone really interested in doing Naija justice should they want to.
Jesus H. Christ, Mary, Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat that one's bad. :<
I almost feel like drawing one up myself just to give the game some justice.
I don't think any Aquaria fan should be happy of it, because "the game has made into the big times".
So no one should be happy Aquaria's become popular? Wow, what a jerk.
(lol, ok no more taking quotes out of context, but that opening line was just asking for it...)
Ok. But the heck, in what sorta way? It's damn perversy! I just can't stand and think about any creator, that will be forced to see any of his characters in similar situation. It's just like they put all of their hearts into the act of cration just to see somebody using it like this to satisfy other people's wicked fantasies...
Oh, get off your high rocking horse Icey. It's not like I've buckled Alec and Derek down to a chair and forced them to watch badly drawn pornographic material of their creation Clockwork Orange style (not to mention your icon is most ironically a furry. But then again you could be a rare non-perverted furry, or just be into furry art... Again, I can't help myself finding irony in your post.) And, when you release any work to the public, you release said characters, story-lines and such to the slobbering dogs. Honestly, what did you expect? Even way back in the days of sunday funnies when cartoons where one page high and everyone knew Dagwood, Nemo and Krazy Kat you still had erotic comics of them somewhere. And while you may take a stance against it don't prop yourself up on some bullshit moral high ground based on half-hearted assumptions and heated zealotry.
I never said, nor implied that this image originated as the result of rule 34. I personally don't know where or when it came from, but found it amusing and decided to "show it to the class for show and tell," so to speak. But, it probably is the result of some kind of 4-chan rule 34 crusade, but I figured they'd pull out someone better for the job.
@IceD's second post
Don't say this...
... using it like this to satisfy other people's wicked fantasies...
*Goes for the bazooka*
and then say this...
I'm not accusing anyone, and I understand all. But let's also see to what target audience is mostly game set towards to. Personally, I don't have anything to hentai art unless it's justified. But there are also limits. By making some of this stuff (I mean, why Aquaria?), people just show how immature they are.
You totally just flip-flopped after someone called you out on your voracious post. Man up to what you said, and the exaggerated bazooka tirade that followed. You don't agree with hentai, it's wrong, and you're accusing those people of creating such works to "satisfy other people's wicked fantasies." You at least stay consistent after your "I'm not accusing anyone" deflection (of which you go on to accuse said people as being immature.)
I did, that's why I looked around for rules on what can and cannot be posted, and then wrote that should this thread be against Bit-Blot's wishes, they are free to remove it, or I will remove it myself. And added huge bold red letters warning people. And "random people who may or may not be in tune with internet culture" are usually not indie-game fans, or gaming fans in general (i.e. the people who will care enough to seek out this forum and read it.) So, I'm not particularly concerned. If it becomes a problem I'll go in and delete the link, but considering I've handled the situation with kid gloves I'm going to assume it's fine for now.