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Author Topic: What game made you afraid?  (Read 86761 times)

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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #90 on: February 22, 2008, 03:07:46 am »
Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force. Particularly the sequence where you have to recover Lt. Foster and the isodesium from the Borg. Slinking around on a Borg ship was bad enough, but when you end up in the part of the ship that's been taken over by Species 8472 and they burst out of the wall and come at you in swarms... ugh. The giant security robots on the Dreadnought gunship are pretty frightening as well, in a "there's a huge unfriendly thing charging towards me" sort of way.

oh that game is great. I forgot about it, creeping through a borgified zone, brushing shoulders with them, so unerving. Voyager is my fave StarTrek franchise and that game was a real treat for fans.
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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #91 on: February 22, 2008, 06:03:47 am »
When you think about it, Star Trek really dips into the horror genre alot.  I don't watch it too often, but occcasionally I'll catch an episode of Voyager on Spike TV and there's some scary shit on that show.

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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #92 on: April 14, 2008, 05:24:14 am »
Resident evil for the psx and silent hill

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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #93 on: April 16, 2008, 03:37:04 am »
Is your avatar considered a game?  Because it's scaring me.

My Smash Bros. Brawl "Smash Card": http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a43/Glamador/WolfSignature.jpg

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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #94 on: April 16, 2008, 04:38:47 am »
Is your avatar considered a game?  Because it's scaring me.

I second that  :o
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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #95 on: April 16, 2008, 12:14:55 pm »
I don't play horrorgames, I'm far to sensitive for those. So... no thanks. :)

Legend of Zelda scares me sometimes. Read: MiniBlins (little horrors I tell you!) and Wallmasters from the N64-Zeldas. How I hate those enemies because they creep me out. MiniBlins are infinite spawning pests making scary noises and the Wallmasters are a mental torture when making your way through a dungeon. I kind of panicked the first time one of those hands grabbed me... :'(
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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #96 on: April 25, 2008, 10:19:51 pm »
Count me in among the System Shock 2 adherents. The game really makes an excellent use of audio cues, level design and plot development to create an atmosphere of palpable dread - making you constantly fear what's around the next corner, and playing on your expecations so that you'll still jump out of your chair when you hear that arachnid annelid chittering directly behind you. Doom 3 may be known for its "shock and awe" tactic, but System Shock 2 did it first and did it better.

The old adventure/puzzle game The 7th Guest does a great job of creating atmosphere too, and if you say you didn't jump at the first time you hit a dead end in the labyrinth, you're either lying or inhuman. :) It's one of the downright creepiest areas I've seen in a game to date.

While Doom 3 didn't really frighten me much, I've played so much of the original Doom/Doom II and player-made WADs for it that I react strongly to a lot of the sounds (the stomping of a Cyberdemon, for instance) instinctively and very viscerally. And a number of WADs have great atmosphere as well: the giant pyramid level in "Alien Vendetta" (map20, I think?) and the WAD "Asylum of the Wretched" are both top-notch in terms of atmosphere, including music use and map design.

However, there's one that got to me more than almost anything else I've experienced, and it's a mod. Freespace 2 is pretty much universally acknowledged as the pinnacle of the "space sim" genre, and rightly so - its game design is amazing in every aspect. It still has a lively modding community to this day, and from that community came a campaign called Transcend. Imagine an atmospheric horror game fused with a space sim; a Philip K. Dick plot combined with horror movie dread; the simultaneous claustrophobia of being trapped inside a tiny spaceship, and the sheer immensity and silent power of space; your sense of reality being pulled down around your ears while being murderously, relentlessly hunted across space. It's a truly mindblowing and harrowing experience, and its design is incredibly tight while taking advantage of all the things that made original Freespace 2 amazing. Everything from the visuals to the audio to the setpieces are brilliantly used. It's an experience without peer, and a fusion of genres I have yet to see adequately replicated elsewhere. It has a quasi-prequel called Sync that does some of the same things, but it's not nearly as polished or effective as Transcend.

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Re: What game made you afraid?
« Reply #97 on: May 06, 2008, 11:43:15 pm »
I tend to play problem solving games mostly and the one that made me feel scared ######## was and still is parts of Uru and I thought that I had an head for heights lol
Strangley enough Doom  didn't bother me in the slightest, but then it was my son playing it while I just watched fascinated lol

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