Staying at my parents home for Christmas, I was surprised to see a review for Aquaria in the local paper;'m not sure how many mainstream and industry reviews you've gotten so far, this is the only one I've seen apart from the eurogamer piece. I found this kind of interesting since it - being a newspaper and not an entertainment magazine - has a focus on major, recent releases but still dedicates most of the one-in-a-week- game page to Aquaria.
Basically, he likes the game (4 out of 5) saying a little about the story, something about Bit-Blot and the games Aquaria was inspired by and ends his piece by mentioning that while many indie titles are based on a good idea but fail to produce the complete games with overall high quality that large studios can more often afford, Aquaria is more polished than a lot of commercial titles.
The title translates to, "Sprung from Love" and the image caption is something like "Everthing was pretty cozy in the lagoon, disregarding the giant intestine someone had dumped"