In another thread someone asked what that shelly black thing in the farest south west of the veil (that one you can't kill) is...
I think... well... I saw it somewhere before... at least somehing that MOVED just liked it and had vermy simillar shape...
and then I thought... jep... it reminds of this

and the statue in the erngy temple that holds the pearl... didn't they remind you
of ...... this

Or the creatures that jump from wall to wall... did nobody think of this

when he/she saw them for the first time ?
Or the enemys in mithalas that ... shid (?) these red dots out of theire... whatever they have down there
didn't they remind you (only a bit) of this

I allready started to wonder that nobody opened a thread "thinks that reminded you of metroid" now I'm doing it ^^
so - did anyone find other allusions ?
(btw - I think nobody mentioned it before, but did you know that when you hold down the left mouse button in the main menu, the little fishis start to swim faster and circle wider around the cursor ? no ? now you do)
greetz, Eric