Aquaria FAQAre there any plans to bring the game to [insert platform]?We're currently working with Ambrosia Software to bring the game to Mac.
A Linux version has
been started, but it's uncertain when it will be released.
We're considering Steam, Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii all as possibilities, but there's nothing set at this point.
Is there support for widescreen?Sorry, not yet! Right now we only support 4:3 aspect ratio. The recommendation for players with widescreen monitors right now is to play windowed.
There will hopefully be widescreen support in the future, but right now Alec is too busy!
Are there any plans for a boxed version, or at least a CD?Heck yes! We just need to figure out how best to do it. Stay tuned... we'd love to go all out on something like this.
Are there any plans to release the soundtrack?See above! Yes, we'd love to!
Are mods cross-platform?Yes they are! If you make a mod for the PC, Mac users will also be able to play it.
Is there any way to send the game as a gift?Not directly through Plimus, as far as we can tell... but we're looking into it! Check out
this thread for more information about how to go about doing it.
How are the games' sales doing? Are you guys doing alright!The game is selling very well for an independent title, and it's thanks to you guys! Word of mouth has made this a great debut.
We can't give out exact sales figures, for obvious reasons, but your support has definitely made it seem possible for us to keep making games. Thank you so, so much.