Well, you're welcome to think they don't stand out, but I do. Most of those "little details" are what bring a game out as better than another most of the time, in my opinion, and they often dictate where my gaming dollar goes. And yes, I'm also comparing this game to others of its ilk, including not only indie but most other mainstream action/adventure games. Had this come out on DS and you compared it directly to other DS action/adventures, I think it would stand well above many of them. My talk of the story and the emotional undercurrent of the game are both plainly apparent to me in the face of what is generally provided by similar games which don't engage me on that level much if at all. Fine, this isn't a DS game, but my comparisons in that regard were to similar games, regardless of platform. Call me a fanboy if you like (and I hate to break it to you, but all reviews are opinions and hence entirely subjective, including every review you've ever written), but my point that I felt this particular review lacked information remains valid. You're welcome to disagree, and I can understand why you may not like it, but I fail to see why you need to engage me on the topic.
EDIT - And don't take any of this as a flame or anything. The internet has a way of making things seem too personal. I don't mind the debate even if I don't understand it, and I harbor no ill will.