You can find several links at my own site, or
here if you don't mind it looking a bit uglier. is a community project that some of us have had going for a while, and while it serves our community just fine with its forums, there's been some debate and discrepancy relating to further development, plus few of us have the time we did when we undertook the project in the first place. Hence I'm basically throwing this review up on my own stupid site skeleton because it seems less ghetto than making a huge forum post, and gives a place that Bit Blot can link to if they want to start a press section for all the glowing reviews that will surely be forthcoming. Yes, it's a real review from a real writer despite the format of its release. I was managing editor of the now-defunct for two years and have participated in a number of other journalistic projects.
Anyway, I hope it's an enjoyable read and that people can throw the link around to friends who really want to know more about the game. I felt that many reviews would probably end up being shorter and such because most indy game reviews seem to follow that general formula, and while my faith in games journalism is waning thin these days due to a variety of issues small and large, I felt this game deserved my efforts in helping to create a media presence. I truly loved this game and don't feel that it should be overlooked. It's much, much more than just an indy game, and it speaks volumes about what has both changed in game development and what is yet to come.
So this is my attempt at a reasonable, professional, unbiased review. I've been calling it "five pages" due to its length in my word processor, but here you've got three pages, each with three screenshots. A link to Bit Blot's own
Aquaria site is provided both at the main TFMA link and at the end of the review via the big logo.
Please let me know if you see any glaring errors, and let me know what you think.
My hats off to the devs. I hope this wins you a few more sales.
EDIT - Sorry, fixed the 2nd link.