She looks just fine to me
no, better than fine, fantastic! She's meant to be about 16, but to my mind she is a bit precocious and a bit juvenile, so I don't think she will necessarily look her age at all times.
As for eye color, unless it's changed recently, they are blue 
Awesome fanart, all! I'm so inspired looking at it!
Haha, thank you~ I just love drawing Marian for some reason... I can't really explain it. Thanks for the heads up on the eyes and age!

Annnnnnnnd surprise, surprise:

This was originally with more stuff on it, but it felt like negative space and I'm a little insecure about this piece. I hate the lighting and colours (though I love how the perspective came out), but it took so long that I don't really want to let it waste away. So I'll just be bold and post it.
I completely forgot what child Naija looks like, I'm sorry.

She's wearing a dark nearly invisible suit here.
EDIT: Forgot to add: props to Senorctenophore for their fanart. I really love amusing fanart like that.