Thank you very much

Glad you like it b&w, I have a coloured version clearly in my mind but I fear it's beyond my skills (as I don't know how to paint like Silv or do it with computer programs)

It has almost been a year since I bought this game, and I have enjoyed every second (I recently saw the first ending, and there's still the final ending left as I have found all the memories + of course much more to search). That's why making this picture was very important to me, like a gentle farewell to the Naija's magical journey of discoveries and adventures. So basically, my thanks in a form of a picture.
Other fanart-works really inspired me to try too, great works indeed. Nice to see so many different styles.
the top few inches of the picture put me in mind of folded silver cloth, an interesting illusion.
Very interesting point of view.
(P.S if you have an even bigger version, let me know because that is just beautiful)
This one is a "ImageShack-friendly" sized picture, smaller than 1,53 Mb. If you are really interested, I have a much bigger picture saved.