I'm running the December 10th version of the full version. I've got a Radeon 9600 Pro Atlantis 256 MB graphics card running two monitors on Windows XP Pro SP2. The right monitor is my primary, running at 1680x1050, and the left monitor is my secondary, running at 1280x1024.
I can run the game once, and if I quit, I have to reboot to avoid this problem. The second time I boot the program in full-screen mode on the same boot, it just shows a zoomed version of my desktop wallpaper, but I get audio. If I boot in windowed, I get the same problem (though I can see a slight portion of the game that updates on the right side of the window). I have to play the game windowed on my secondary monitor for the video to update and not show whatever was on the area of the monitor that the window popped up when I ran the application. Changing the resolution the game runs at doesn't seem to affect this behaviour.