Well, it's the same problem again. So this is related to game version 1.03 after all? Darn, I have been too lazy. I should update this game, for the extras and this great mod as well.
Naturally I selected the newest 1.5b3 version, as it saids quite clearly OLD VERSION, SEE BELOW up there

.But I tried older version 1.5b2, and it didn't work either.
I post the same part as last time, if this tells something to you.
Entering Game::applyState
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/damage
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/damage
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: damage ref: 1 idx: 640
pos [-1], file :gfx/damage
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: damage ref: 1 idx: 640
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-leftbutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-leftbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-leftbutton ref: 1 idx: 641
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-leftbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-leftbutton ref: 1 idx: 641
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-rightbutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-rightbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-rightbutton ref: 1 idx: 642
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-rightbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-rightbutton ref: 1 idx: 642
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-middlebutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-middlebutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-middlebutton ref: 1 idx: 643
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-middlebutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-middlebutton ref: 1 idx: 643
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-body
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mouse-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-body ref: 1 idx: 644
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-body ref: 1 idx: 644
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [-1], file :gfx/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [-1], file :gfx/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
Creating Avatar
Avatar 1
Done those
Avatar vars->
Avatar 2
Avatar 3
Avatar 4
Avatar 5
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/fader
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/fader
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: fader ref: 1 idx: 646
pos [-1], file :gfx/fader
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: fader ref: 1 idx: 646
Avatar 6
Avatar 7
Avatar 8
Could not find animation: idle
Avatar 9
useMic...initing recording
Avatar 10
getting bones
reset timer
Done new Avatar
Done warp
Create Li
liFlag: 0
Done WarpKeys
Loading Scene
cameraConstrained: 0
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
cannot open _mods/jukebox15b/scripts/jukeboxinclude.lua: No such file or directory
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-rock-rep-0003
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-rock-rep-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-rock-rep-0003 ref: 1 idx: 647
pos [-1], file :gfx/bg-rock-rep-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-rock-rep-0003 ref: 1 idx: 647
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-rockshaft
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-rockshaft
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-rockshaft ref: 1 idx: 648
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-rockshaft
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-rockshaft ref: 1 idx: 648
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0003
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0003 ref: 1 idx: 649
pos [-1], file :gfx/darkness-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0003 ref: 1 idx: 649
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mithalas-banner-0001
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/mithalas-banner-0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mithalas-banner-0001 ref: 1 idx: 650
pos [-1], file :gfx/mithalas-banner-0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mithalas-banner-0001 ref: 1 idx: 650
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-smallpillar
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-smallpillar
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-smallpillar ref: 1 idx: 651
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-smallpillar
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-smallpillar ref: 1 idx: 651
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/throne-prince
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/throne-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: throne-prince ref: 1 idx: 652
pos [-1], file :gfx/throne-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: throne-prince ref: 1 idx: 652
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0004
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/darkness-0004
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0004 ref: 1 idx: 653
pos [-1], file :gfx/darkness-0004
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0004 ref: 1 idx: 653
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox ref: 1 idx: 654
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-previous
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-previous ref: 1 idx: 655
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-next
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-next ref: 1 idx: 656
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-exit
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-exit ref: 1 idx: 657
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/jukebox-rand
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-rand ref: 1 idx: 658
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-floor-rep
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/cathedral-floor-rep
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-floor-rep ref: 1 idx: 659
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-floor-rep
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-floor-rep ref: 1 idx: 659
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/seal-prince
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/seal-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: seal-prince ref: 1 idx: 660
pos [-1], file :gfx/seal-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: seal-prince ref: 1 idx: 660
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-light-0002
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/bg-light-0002
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-light-0002 ref: 1 idx: 661
pos [-1], file :gfx/bg-light-0002
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-light-0002 ref: 1 idx: 661
Adding Avatar
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/water/water-line
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: water/water-line ref: 1 idx: 662
pos [-1], file :gfx/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: water/water-line ref: 1 idx: 662
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/menu2
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: menu2 ref: 1 idx: 663
pos [-1], file :gfx/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: menu2 ref: 1 idx: 663
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: formupgrades/energyidol-charged ref: 1 idx: 664
pos [-1], file :gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: formupgrades/energyidol-charged ref: 1 idx: 664
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/areyousure
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: areyousure ref: 1 idx: 665
pos [-1], file :gfx/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: areyousure ref: 1 idx: 665
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/yes
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: yes ref: 1 idx: 666
pos [-1], file :gfx/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: yes ref: 1 idx: 666
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/no
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/graphics/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: no ref: 1 idx: 667
pos [-1], file :gfx/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: no ref: 1 idx: 667
toggle treasure menu!
cannot open scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua from file [scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua]
setting flag [600] to 0
FMODEX error: 23: Unknown error code
playmusic end
in initAvatar
changeForm: 0
lastForm: 0
getting bones
reset timer
done initAvatar
Done initAvatar
reset timer
paths init
jukebox : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-previous : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-next : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-quit : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-random : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-continuous : attempt to call a nil value init
Updating bgSfxLoop
loading map init script
cannot open scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua from file [scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua]
fading in
jukebox : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-previous : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-next : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-quit : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-random : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-continuous : attempt to call a nil value update
reset timer
Game::applyState Done
UNLOADING TEXTURE: ./_mods/jukebox15b_win103/mod-icon
Sorry for the troubles, but this surely is Service with capital S

. And thanks for the tip, I knew such a feature ([ code]) exists, but didn't know more than that... that's why I said I'll modify the message later.