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Author Topic: Jukebox mod  (Read 104382 times)

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Offline ryos

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #75 on: May 17, 2009, 08:08:23 am »
I know this is a major thread resurrection here, but I'm actually using this mod to listen to the music as I type this, and I really really really wish it had continuous play.

I can see that this was suggested on the first or second page, but nothing came of the suggestion. The obstacle was that we can't know when a song finishes playing. Well, I think I know how to get around that.

Put a list in the mod's script code, which corresponds to the list of song titles that is already there, of how long each song is. If I had my way, I'd multiply these lengths by 2 so each song plays twice. Then, when you start a new song, set a timer with the corresponding value which, when fired, will advance to the next song. Does that sound like it would work?

I want to do this, but I took a quick look at the mod's code and realized that I know absolutely nothing about modding aquaria.  ^-^ I could certainly learn, but I wouldn't have time for several weeks, and I want an Oompa Loompa NOW, daddy! SO, ahem, I came to post my idea here in the hopes that someone who actually knows what they're doing might take up the torch.

Thanks for bearing with my. :)

Offline Hiro

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #76 on: May 18, 2009, 01:18:41 am »
Your idea is the only idea that I've had that would work for the mod when I thought about it. But I also don't know much about lua, so I'm not the man.

If you ask real nicely maybe Edwards could put it in for you. xD
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
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Offline Edwards

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #77 on: May 18, 2009, 05:10:25 am »
If you ask real nicely maybe Edwards could put it in for you. xD
Actually, I was thinking about doing just that.  Classes just ended for me, so I now have free time again, and this looked like a decent way to get back in to Aquaria modding.  Looking at the existing code, it's fairly well organized, so I should be able to at least get a quick version working tonight.

Would you prefer shuffle or in-order continuous play?

[EDIT] Jukebox v1.5b1 is now available for download. (OLD VERSION- SEE BELOW FOR NEWER VERSION)
I've added a new button, appearing above the "Exit" button, which cycles through single-song loop (grey), in-order continuous play (yellow), and random continuous play (green).  Each song will repeat for approximately two iterations, then advance, if continuous mode is on.  Do note that the new graphics are only temporary- it just takes a while to make something that actually looks decent, and I just want some feedback on how it runs right now.  If anyone has any good ideas for graphics and positioning for the new button, I'd be happy to hear them.

Also, I added cleaned-up titles to the song display (I put in spaces and capitalization, and changed the title to the ogg file's title instead of its name where the two differed), and I fixed the issue where endingpart1 was referred to by the wrong name and would not play.

- Edwards
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 11:15:25 pm by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Hiro

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #78 on: May 19, 2009, 01:54:18 am »
Phew. What'd I tell ya? :D

All that in less than one day Ed? You really are awesome.  ^-^
'Grats on getting off classes too by the way.
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
Where I put pictures and blog posts and stuff..

Offline ryos

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #79 on: May 19, 2009, 09:57:57 am »
As usual, Edwards, you rock my world. Thanks for doing this (you lucky sap for getting out of classes - I'm a masochist and am taking classes all through the summer).

I listened to the whole thing, start to finish, while I worked through five chapters of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X. Worked like a charm.

There are some changes I would make. For example, some songs needn't be looped twice (Lost to the Waves being the most prominent example). I'd also make some new button graphics for the state selection. Sadly, this week will be very busy, since I have several assignments due and a midterm to take. But I'll get to it...eventually! Or, if someone else has free time, don't think you'd offend me by doing it first.

Offline Alec

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #80 on: May 19, 2009, 10:53:04 am »
Nice job, Edwards!  8)

Offline Edwards

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #81 on: May 19, 2009, 11:14:02 pm »
There are some changes I would make. For example, some songs needn't be looped twice (Lost to the Waves being the most prominent example).
Good point.  I've now added a mechanism for having non-looping songs, and have declared the following songs non-looping:
Ending Part 1 (I also adjusted the length to clip out the thirty seconds of dead space after the music)
Fall of Mithalas
Fly Away
Lost to the Waves
March of the Krotites (This doesn't sound terrible when looped, but clearly isn't meant to loop.)
Mithala End
Prometheus (Also adjusted the length.)
superflyremix (Could be looped with no ill effects, but it doesn't seem meant for looping.)

Also, there are a few songs where I'm not sure if they should or shouldn't loop, specifically Dance of the Druniads and Worships 1-5.

You can download the new version here. (OLD VERSION.  SEE BELOW FOR NEW LINK.)

- Edwards
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 09:08:52 pm by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Hiro

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #82 on: May 20, 2009, 02:02:12 am »
Yeah I noticed some of the songs jar when they loop. xD Looks like I was beaten to it for pointing it out though.

But you've already done everthing anyway. Yay, I'm not useful at all.  ::)
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
Where I put pictures and blog posts and stuff..

Offline prestart

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #83 on: August 24, 2009, 05:30:28 pm »
Bravo! I am a guy from China, I'm wondering why the links of MediaFire is always unavailable :'(, is it a server problem?
e-mail to me ??    rawcliff@sina.com

Offline ryos

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #84 on: August 24, 2009, 07:17:48 pm »
Bravo! I am a guy from China, I'm wondering why the links of MediaFire is always unavailable :'(, is it a server problem?

It's possible MediaFire is blocked by the Great Firewall of China. Lots of other random stuff is.

Offline Edwards

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #85 on: August 25, 2009, 07:35:59 pm »
Bravo! I am a guy from China, I'm wondering why the links of MediaFire is always unavailable :'(, is it a server problem?

It's possible MediaFire is blocked by the Great Firewall of China. Lots of other random stuff is.
Yes, a quick check with a Great Firewall blocked website checker indicates that MediaFire is blocked.  RapidShare seems fine though, so here's an alternate link for you to try: Jukebox 1.5b2 Mirror (old version- see below).

On a different note, it looks like nobody has found any problems with my changes over the summer, so (if I have time- classes just started) I guess I'll try to make some better state-change graphics and post a final version.

[EDIT] New version!  Download links: MediaFire, RapidShare.
I've thrown together a better-looking (and self-explaining) continuous-play button, moved it to a less cluttery-looking location, and re-built to game-pad menu controls.  I'd particularly like some feedback on how unintuitive this last feature is, as adding the new menu button really changed how it is arranged.  Comments on the placement of the controls would also be appreciated.

- Edwards
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 05:09:26 pm by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline prestart

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #86 on: August 26, 2009, 06:29:09 am »
 ;)Thanks, luckily the Great Firewall doesn't block RapidShare.
e-mail to me ??    rawcliff@sina.com

Offline Vetehinen

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #87 on: August 27, 2009, 04:42:02 pm »
Hm I wonder what I have done wrong... I tried to install this 15b3 version, but all it shows after selecting it is a pitch black scene where Naija is "floating".
The mod selecting screen (in game) shows "[GM] listen to all the songs in the game"

I have installed the previous version, but it's the only one working properly. When I remove the original version from the Mods -folder, rename it or something like that the new version is only showing that empty space. I thought I could just overwrite the original folder, but the name is different (being jukebox15b) so it wont work that way.

My version of this game is older 1.0.3, I wonder if this makes some difference?

Offline Edwards

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #88 on: August 27, 2009, 05:08:34 pm »
Hm I wonder what I have done wrong... I tried to install this 15b3 version, but all it shows after selecting it is a pitch black scene where Naija is "floating".
The mod selecting screen (in game) shows "[GM] listen to all the songs in the game"
Darn it, I ran into that issue too, but it went away after I restarted the game.  I'll poke around with it this afternoon to see if I can figure out what's going on.  If you know where your debug log is, could you copy the last part of it just after launching the mod and post it here?

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Vetehinen

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Re: Jukebox mod
« Reply #89 on: August 27, 2009, 07:14:42 pm »
Without knowing what's the most essential part...

There was this kind of report when it loaded particles (in the middle of debug list)

forEachFile - path: _mods/jukebox15b/particles/ type: .txt
No files of type .TXT found in path _mods/jukebox15b/particles/

And I guess this is when you start the mod? Dunno.

Code: [Select]
[quote]Entering Game::applyState
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/damage
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/damage
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: damage ref: 1 idx: 640
pos [-1], file :gfx/damage
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: damage ref: 1 idx: 640
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-leftbutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-leftbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-leftbutton ref: 1 idx: 641
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-leftbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-leftbutton ref: 1 idx: 641
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-rightbutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-rightbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-rightbutton ref: 1 idx: 642
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-rightbutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-rightbutton ref: 1 idx: 642
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-middlebutton
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-middlebutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-middlebutton ref: 1 idx: 643
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-middlebutton
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-middlebutton ref: 1 idx: 643
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-body
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mouse-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-body ref: 1 idx: 644
pos [-1], file :gfx/mouse-body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mouse-body ref: 1 idx: 644
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/title/back
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [-1], file :gfx/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/title/back
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
pos [-1], file :gfx/title/back
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: title/back ref: 1 idx: 645
Creating Avatar
Avatar 1
Done those
Avatar vars->
Avatar 2
Avatar 3
Avatar 4
Avatar 5
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/fader
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/fader
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: fader ref: 1 idx: 646
pos [-1], file :gfx/fader
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: fader ref: 1 idx: 646
Avatar 6
Avatar 7
Avatar 8
Could not find animation: idle
Avatar 9
useMic...initing recording
Avatar 10
getting bones
reset timer
Done new Avatar
Done warp
Create Li
liFlag: 0
Done WarpKeys
Loading Scene
cameraConstrained: 0
_mods/jukebox15b/scripts/node_jukebox.lua:2: attempt to call global 'appendUserDataPath' (a nil value)
_mods/jukebox15b/scripts/node_jukebox-previous.lua:2: attempt to call global 'appendUserDataPath' (a nil value)
_mods/jukebox15b/scripts/node_jukebox-next.lua:2: attempt to call global 'appendUserDataPath' (a nil value)
_mods/jukebox15b/scripts/node_jukebox-quit.lua:2: attempt to call global 'appendUserDataPath' (a nil value)
_mods/jukebox15b/scripts/node_jukebox-random.lua:2: attempt to call global 'appendUserDataPath' (a nil value)
_mods/jukebox15b/scripts/node_jukebox-continuous.lua:2: attempt to call global 'appendUserDataPath' (a nil value)
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/bg-rock-rep-0003
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/bg-rock-rep-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-rock-rep-0003 ref: 1 idx: 647
pos [-1], file :gfx/bg-rock-rep-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-rock-rep-0003 ref: 1 idx: 647
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/cathedral-rockshaft
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/cathedral-rockshaft
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-rockshaft ref: 1 idx: 648
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-rockshaft
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-rockshaft ref: 1 idx: 648
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/darkness-0003
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/darkness-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0003 ref: 1 idx: 649
pos [-1], file :gfx/darkness-0003
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0003 ref: 1 idx: 649
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mithalas-banner-0001
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/mithalas-banner-0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mithalas-banner-0001 ref: 1 idx: 650
pos [-1], file :gfx/mithalas-banner-0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: mithalas-banner-0001 ref: 1 idx: 650
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/cathedral-smallpillar
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/cathedral-smallpillar
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-smallpillar ref: 1 idx: 651
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-smallpillar
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-smallpillar ref: 1 idx: 651
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/throne-prince
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/throne-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: throne-prince ref: 1 idx: 652
pos [-1], file :gfx/throne-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: throne-prince ref: 1 idx: 652
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/darkness-0004
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/darkness-0004
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0004 ref: 1 idx: 653
pos [-1], file :gfx/darkness-0004
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: darkness-0004 ref: 1 idx: 653
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/jukebox
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox ref: 1 idx: 654
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/jukebox-previous
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-previous ref: 1 idx: 655
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/jukebox-next
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-next ref: 1 idx: 656
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/jukebox-exit
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-exit ref: 1 idx: 657
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/jukebox-rand
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: jukebox-rand ref: 1 idx: 658
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/cathedral-floor-rep
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/cathedral-floor-rep
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-floor-rep ref: 1 idx: 659
pos [-1], file :gfx/cathedral-floor-rep
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: cathedral-floor-rep ref: 1 idx: 659
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/seal-prince
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/seal-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: seal-prince ref: 1 idx: 660
pos [-1], file :gfx/seal-prince
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: seal-prince ref: 1 idx: 660
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/bg-light-0002
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/bg-light-0002
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-light-0002 ref: 1 idx: 661
pos [-1], file :gfx/bg-light-0002
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: bg-light-0002 ref: 1 idx: 661
Adding Avatar
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/water/water-line
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: water/water-line ref: 1 idx: 662
pos [-1], file :gfx/water/water-line
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: water/water-line ref: 1 idx: 662
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/menu2
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: menu2 ref: 1 idx: 663
pos [-1], file :gfx/menu2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: menu2 ref: 1 idx: 663
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: formupgrades/energyidol-charged ref: 1 idx: 664
pos [-1], file :gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
***Could not find texture: gfx/formupgrades/energyidol-charged
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: formupgrades/energyidol-charged ref: 1 idx: 664
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/areyousure
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: areyousure ref: 1 idx: 665
pos [-1], file :gfx/areyousure
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: areyousure ref: 1 idx: 665
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/yes
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: yes ref: 1 idx: 666
pos [-1], file :gfx/yes
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: yes ref: 1 idx: 666
pos [0], file :./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/no
***Could not find texture: ./_mods/jukebox15b/graphics/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: no ref: 1 idx: 667
pos [-1], file :gfx/no
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: no ref: 1 idx: 667
toggle treasure menu!
cannot open scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua from file [scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/premap_jukebox.lua]
setting flag [600] to 0
FMODEX error: 23: Unknown error code
playmusic end
in initAvatar
changeForm: 0
lastForm: 0
getting bones
reset timer
done initAvatar
Done initAvatar
reset timer
paths init
jukebox : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-previous : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-next : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-quit : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-random : attempt to call a nil value init
jukebox-continuous : attempt to call a nil value init
Updating bgSfxLoop
loading map init script
cannot open scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua from file [scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/map_jukebox.lua]
fading in
jukebox : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-previous : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-next : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-quit : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-random : attempt to call a nil value update
jukebox-continuous : attempt to call a nil value update
reset timer
Game::applyState Done
UNLOADING TEXTURE: ./_mods/jukebox15b/mod-icon[/quote]

I I'll modify this post to be shorter, if this is not useful or oyu find here something which helps to solve this. Thank you for the good work so far :)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 12:29:32 am by Vetehinen »