I know this is a major thread resurrection here, but I'm actually using this mod to listen to the music as I type this, and I
really really really wish it had continuous play.
I can see that this was suggested on the first or second page, but nothing came of the suggestion. The obstacle was that we can't know when a song finishes playing. Well, I think I know how to get around that.
Put a list in the mod's script code, which corresponds to the list of song titles that is already there, of how long each song is. If I had my way, I'd multiply these lengths by 2 so each song plays twice. Then, when you start a new song, set a timer with the corresponding value which, when fired, will advance to the next song. Does that sound like it would work?
I want to do this, but I took a quick look at the mod's code and realized that I know absolutely nothing about modding aquaria.

I could certainly learn, but I wouldn't have time for several weeks, and I want an Oompa Loompa NOW, daddy! SO, ahem, I came to post my idea here in the hopes that someone who actually knows what they're doing might take up the torch.
Thanks for bearing with my.