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Author Topic: Favourite Movies  (Read 25565 times)

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2008, 08:20:46 pm »
Really good film is " Mrazík " (in original " Морозко " ).That is old soviet film-to english it is translated like Jack Frost but this is totally wrong.Or also good film is " Brněnský masakr zubařskou vrtačkou " :D .Means Brno massacre by dental drill.Good are also Czech parodies on Lord of the rings.Sometimes when you watch it you can die of laugh.

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2008, 08:49:15 pm »
Whoh, I never seen any of those films though. I think you are talking about country productions ;) It's obvious that most of them doesn't go outside due they are smaller productions than the hollywood motion picutres ??? Ofcoz, this doesn't mean they are worse than these - they are even better. It's the same discussion as with mainstream and indie game developing  :D.

We had some good polish films too. If I remember, we had a few productions which came outside our country, for e.g. "The Witcher" (full length film and series, which didn't varied from the feature film much than just showing  a more precise view onto the action and situations. It was barely criticised by both fans and critics due to flaws in the screenplay and innacurate motives which varied from the original book's scripts, but was a quite nice film in it's time).

I don't watch any new films, because all I see that hollywood's type of filming began to infest whole world and more and more productions become corrupted with main disadvantages (trifling scenarios, too much action and jumping beetwen simplificated stories or massive filmplay). I won't even say about the technics (to much computers involved, all of this cyber make-up, digital effects and stuff). I don't say there wasn't any good films and propably there won't be any soon, but it's just a matter of how much heart will be involved into the production - if the directors mean to pass something important through them (as the films always were meant to do), or it's just plain entertainment mainly directed for profits...

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2008, 11:35:40 pm »
My top 5 list of favorite movies actually changed for the first time in years, lately.

1. Princess Bride

Absolutely my favorite movie! It's so clever and funny. Probably the best cast movie I've ever seen, too. Andre the Giant was such a perfect actor for this film.

2. Children of Men

This movie probably has my favorite camera work in it, as well as really, really good acting. Clive Owen became my third favorite actor after this. The biggest thing, though, was the plot that seemed so absurd and unexplainable, but it was depicted so realistically... it really disturbed me. I felt funny for days after watching this.

3. The Lion King

I don't care if it's a "kids' " movie! The story was great, the songs were awesome, it was beautiful... This was actually my favorite film until I had seen Princess Bride several years ago.

4. Independence Day

This one wasn't necessarily great cinema, but I saw it when it first came out and I really loved it. It felt so... patriotic to me. (this being before 9/11, when patriotism took on a different meaning) All the people of the world uniting to face their enemies was absolutely touching and that speech by the president near the end still gives me goosebumps.

5. The Messenger

This movie was actually very poorly reviewed and a lot of people hate it. I guess I don't blame them, but I thought it was fantastic. The fact that Joan of Arc is my favorite historical figure makes me a little biased, though. =P

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2008, 03:41:01 am »
I recently saw the original ROBOCOP for the very first time.

I was blown away.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2008, 09:26:42 am »
1. Megaman: Program of Light and Darkness

Somehow I've always been a sucker for Megaman, as I, probably one of many, hope to have things like virtual reality and great computer AI's. And they made a movie that I love. One that I can view OVER and OVER and OVER without getting bored, not many movies can do that to me.

2. The Lion King

Just my favorite childhood movie ever, still think it's the best Disney movie ever.

3. Pokémon the first movie

I don't care WHAT you think, this is the very first movie that made me cry and get philosophical.

4. Ghost Rider / National Treasure / Lord of War / The Family Man etc..

I adore movies with Nicolas Cage in it, if I could, I'd put every movie of his on this spot.

5. Waterworld

A move that always has fascinated me, just because it's a thing that can happen in the future. ( partly anyway )

Further many many other movies, but these are the movies that stayed in the back of my head, which I think that it means that they are good in my very own opinion. =p
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Offline Mandrake42

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2008, 03:48:27 pm »
I love the Beastmaster. Yeah yeah, I know its B grade and kinda lame. But I saw it as a kid and nostalgia goes a long way. Even nowadays I love it. *Starts humming the soundtrack* Think Im going to cook myself some popcorn and go watch it again.

Oh, avoid the sequels. They are the reason sequels have a bad name.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2008, 07:19:14 pm »
I have a new favorite. =p

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Re: Favourite Movies
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2008, 03:00:58 pm »
Mine are Space Odyssey 2001, The Italian Job, LOTR (all of them) and totally sad I love Star Trek' The Voyage Home, Spirited Away, Conan The Destroyer,  Mad Max Beyond The Thunderdome,  The Plank, The Seven Samurai, The Beatle's Yellow Submarine, Labyrinth.....etc. :D

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