There's a lot of great games that should be on there. I voted World of Goo, Aquaria, Little Inferno, Bastion and Trine franchise.
I'm personally watching this fairly closely. I think it looks cool, and I don't even like consoles or console games. This may change that. Only thing that has me concerned is 1 GB RAM. Why only 1GB and not 2, 4, or 8? I was looking at laptops recently, and quite a lot of midrange ones have 8. 1 GB is a fairly limiting amount; I hope they have slots where you can slap more in, or increase the amount of RAM the OUYA has. Though if they're selling it for $100, that may be why there's only 1 GB.
It all depends on how well it does. If they do a good job marketing, and word-of-mouth is in their favor, and a lot of people back their kickstarter, this has the potential to change consoles forever. And a lot of developers may boycott the current consoles there are or get them to open up the development and publishing process more. Which imo is fantastic.
EDIT: Or if it fails, Penny Arcade has a list of downsides: I'll definitely be watching it to see how it does. I'm neither super hyped nor super skeptical.