New update after a looong time! Aquaria OSE v1.001 is out! See first post.
Most important changes:
- SDL2 is now used on all platforms! This adds rumble support for controllers that support it.
- Fixed rotating oil drops (I messed this up in the last update, oops)
- Better stereo separation and distance attenuation for all sounds effects
- The mod downloader is even more shiny thanks to new icons made by
FrancesF- Do not allow rolling while riding
- Better/Faster pathfinding for entities (this has no influence on combat behavior)
- Slightly faster startup
- AnimationEditor: Fix possible out-of-memory crash
- AnimationEditor/SceneEditor: Warn if saving map/animation/... failed
- SceneEditor: Fixed some crashes and quirks
- Fixed memory leak when singing
- Fixed problems and weird behavior with mods/patches, in package files and on the filesystem. Too complicated to explain.
- Fixed possible crash related to missing textures
- Fixed lost health refill at save points (instead, the game would restore the health as it was before saving when loading the savefile)
- No more separate developer build -- this is now a setting in usersettings.xml
- Windows build: Fixed possible crash on exit (windowed mode + close window with [X])
- Many many more things, mostly relevant for our in-progress sequel mod and modding in general ...

EDIT: Plus there is now a PPC-compatible build available, thanks to
Daxar for putting it together.
This one uses SDL 1.2, but hey, we're supporting PowerPC after all!