Updates any 1.1.x to the lastest opensource version. Does not work with 1.0.x !!
If you need to upgrade an old 1.0.x installation, try this updater to create a working 1.1.1 (windows) version first, which you can then update further. Does not require a serial key afterwards!
Last update: 16th August 2015 - OpenSourceEdition v1.002
If you have a bug to report, post in this topic or send email to fg-aquariabugs [-ät-] wzff [-döt-] de -- thanks!
You can use these packs to crossgrade from one operating system to another -- for example, if you have Aquaria for windows but want to play it on a Mac, just copy the windows version to the Mac and apply the Mac update. For Windows/Linux, drop an updatepack into any other version and it should work. Ask if it doesn't.
Feel free to contact me on
irc://irc.esper.net/bitblot if you need help with these updates; just enter a nickname, connect, and wait a few minutes or hours.
Windows (32 bit): zip (3.4 MB) | 7z (2 MB)Copy all files in the archive into your Aquaria directory, overwriting everything that already exists.
Your old 1.1.1 version from Plimus or the HiB will also work with the new data.
[Attention steam users!]This was tested with the Steam version. If you are using Steam, do
NOT just throw this into the game folder! Instead, make a copy of the game and apply the update to the copy, otherwise Steam may complain about changed files and whatnot. I didn't try what would happen.
Note that this update has no idea that Steam exists - so no Steam achievements - but the opensource version contains a replacement, so they are not completely gone. It's just not that fancy.
On the other hand, you get a portable game that can be run from a USB drive, and does not require Steam running in the background.
[How different is this from the steam version?]Of course the steam overlay and such features do not exist outside of steam, but regarding the game's content, there is no difference.
As said above, only achievements are different: They do exist, albeit in a not so pretty variant as the steam ones.
But there are numerous improvements (gameplay & stability fixes, better gamepad/joystick control, überwidescreen support, positional sound, online mod downloader, etc etc.) that make this fine
open source product superior!
Linux (32 & 64 bit): tar.gz (8.2 MB) | tar.xz (5.7 MB)As for the windows version, copy the new files & replace already existing ones.
You can also put the tar file into aquaria's install directory and use
tar -xvf Aquaria_update_linux.tar.gz in a terminal to install the update.
A launcher script is included that will select the correct build for your system (32 or 64 bits), and also update some files in ~./Aquaria/_mods.
If you prefer to use the binaries directly, you should update the mod scripts yourself. Otherwise the game will go haywire when you start one of the default mods.
Alternatively, some distros provide proper packages:
* Arch Linux:
git[Attention steam users!]The linux steam game data are located here:
~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Aquaria/As for the windows+steam version, copy this folder somewhere else and unpack the linux update into the copy (replace stuff that already exists).
Mac OSXNew Macs, Intel [10.5 or newer]: dmg (6.6 MB)Old Macs, PPC/Intel [10.3 or newer]: ~ coming soon ~ For the Mac people I've made it easy. Open the dmg, start the updater app, and it will guide you through the process.
This works for both the Ambrosia version, and the one from the HiB.
Aquaria is not on Steam for Mac, but in case it shows up there it will probably work too.
[Attention Mountain Lion and up (OSX 10.8+ ) users!]Because Apple is locking down their platform more and more, Mountain Lion refuses to open packages from untrusted developers by default. (My packages are not signed and therefore untrusted.)
If this applies to you:
Click here for a guide about how to turn that off and change the setting to sane defaults. It's for another software but they have nice images that explain everything.
More info:Read the included README file. (Online version)Disclaimer: No guarantees. I've done my best to make good stuff, but if something explodes, it's not my problem. Use at your own risk.
Other operating systemsI don't support ready-made builds for other OSes, but with a bit of hacking on the source Aquaria should compile & run on every toaster that supports legacy OpenGL.
Known to work on:
HaikuDoes NOT work on: Android (runs GLES, not legacy GL), iOS (same as Android, but also shitty). Use the commercially available ports for these.
Misc notes:The source code for these builds can be found at GitHub:
https://github.com/AquariaOSE/AquariaLooking for an older updatepack? Here's a list of all releases: