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Author Topic: Fine Tweaking Suggestion *spoiler*  (Read 6110 times)

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Offline fieari

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Fine Tweaking Suggestion *spoiler*
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:45:25 pm »
I just got Li.  Unfortunately, it was a bit anti-climactic when I did so, as I had seen Li ages before I got him, but couldn't figure out how to do anything with him.  I couldn't right click on him, and he wouldn't talk to me... or so I thought.  I just gave it up as an easter egg after a while.  It was only after reading some spoilers on the gameplay forum that I realized it was possible to get him as a companion, and then it too way too much fiddling to "corner him".

By that time, it no longer felt cute and romantic.  If I had done this when I'd first seem him swimming in the veil, it would have been awesome, but I feel like it's too late for that same emotional feeling now.  The problem I had was that I could easily catch up to him in his cave, and he wasn't -obviously- running away from me.  Thus, it looked more like he was ignoring me than anything else!  Hence my ignoring him back.  The magic is gone.

Hence, I'd like to suggest a simple thing that would make it more obvious that you need to chase him down.  Allow Naija to right-click activate him if she gets close enough, but make this cause him to dash away.  That would have made me more intruiged, since he'd no longer be ignoring me, and thus I'd be interested it chasing him down.

Please?  This game is too good otherwise!

Offline Alec

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Re: Fine Tweaking Suggestion *spoiler*
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2007, 06:59:42 pm »
That sounds like a pretty solid suggestion!