Easy games are for wimps.

But personally, i found Aquaria was rather easy
and relaxing, compared to other games i had played in the past - specifically some on NES, many on SNES (super metroid speed runs/glitch runs, anyone?

), and especially recently,
Must have played the latter one for a couple of hours straight, just because it was so challenging. But boy was this cool. First time i had to finetune my mouse settings for a game.
Back to Aquaria:
If i recall correctly, as an example, i died only once against the final boss in his last form, because i wanted to show off (clear case of self-0wn3d).
Oh and, i'm used to link to
this pic to underline my point

So, what about you? Are ye rather casual, or hardcore?
'Cuz i get the feeling that nowadays, casual gamers are overtaking. Too bad.