When I first played the demo and later purchased Aquaria, I was hoping to get a copy as a gift for my mother. She's a very casual gamer and mostly plays Peggle, Zuma, and other Popcap games. After reaching the second major boss in Aquaria, it became very obvious that the difficulty was just too high for me to recommend it to her. I am an avid gamer and even I had a hard time with some of the sections in the Cathedral.
However, with the editor it would be possible to create tiers of difficulty. Hopefully I'll be able to adjust the damage output of the creatures and bosses in the game, and probably slow down some of the more hazardous mobs and projectile attacks (stupid trilobites... grr.)
Along the same vein, I would imagine it would be possible to create a harder difficulty by introducing more creatures and making them hit harder. The ultimate goal would be to create a "Hardcore" mode, that works similar to Diablo 2's Hardcore mode. You only get one save slot and once you die, you have to start over from scratch.
I still haven't beaten the game yet, I want to get through it at least once before starting on such a project. However, feel free to post any suggestions as to which sections you found particularly difficult and how you'd like to see them toned down (or ramped up, for you sadistic folk.)