Wow, thanks for the tip! These "briar jumps" really are
(I experimented with this kind of thing under water, right after getting Nature Form, but since it didn't do much there, I never even thought of trying it again on land...)
Anyhow, I now managed to "briar jump" from the upper Rukh nest all the way over the water to roof of the sun temple. From there, another jump to the left put me straight inside a bubble where I found a lost memory (let me guess: this is not how I was supposed to get here...

Jumping even further left, over another pool of water, I managed to land on the nose of that face-like rock.
I didn't yet manage to jump from the sun temple roof to the lower Rukh nest on the right of the map, since the speed and angle of inclination of these jumps is rather erratic, but I guess that's just a matter of practice (or trial & error).
This is really fun. I'm starting to wonder whether I should ever take Naija down into the Abyss, maybe Li and her should just live a happy and careless life in The Veil, full of playing and jumping...