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Author Topic: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?  (Read 17681 times)

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Offline archy

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Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« on: January 30, 2011, 07:28:03 pm »
In The Veil, to the right of the Sun Temple, there's a giant bird nest at the top of a long chute from which I managed to get a Rukh Egg.

A little below that nest you can see a cavity with another similar nest with two more of those giant birds in it.

Has anyone managed to climb to that lower nest?

I tried to climb there both from above and from below, with a combination of Beast From jumping and using Nature Form's giant-thorny-plant-thingy for building artificial platforms, but all attempts have failed.

Is it impossible, or am I just not doing it right?
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2011, 12:09:33 am »
It's possible with a "briar jump", where you shoot a briar (giant-thorny-plant-thingy) right under you while on land. If you do it correctly, you'll get launched at an insane speed.

Besides that, you can also use the briars as platforms, but I find this pretty hard myself seeing jumping is hard to predict.
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Offline archy

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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 05:15:36 pm »
Wow, thanks for the tip! These "briar jumps" really are amazing!

(I experimented with this kind of thing under water, right after getting Nature Form, but since it didn't do much there, I never even thought of trying it again on land...)

Anyhow, I now managed to "briar jump" from the upper Rukh nest all the way over the water to roof of the sun temple. From there, another jump to the left put me straight inside a bubble where I found a lost memory (let me guess: this is not how I was supposed to get here... ;)).
Jumping even further left, over another pool of water, I managed to land on the nose of that face-like rock.
I didn't yet manage to jump from the sun temple roof to the lower Rukh nest on the right of the map, since the speed and angle of inclination of these jumps is rather erratic, but I guess that's just a matter of practice (or trial & error).

This is really fun. I'm starting to wonder whether I should ever take Naija down into the Abyss, maybe Li and her should just live a happy and careless life in The Veil, full of playing and jumping...  ;D
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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2011, 09:52:13 pm »
but then you would miss the magical frozen veil.....
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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2011, 02:21:45 pm »
This is really fun. I'm starting to wonder whether I should ever take Naija down into the Abyss, maybe Li and her should just live a happy and careless life in The Veil, full of playing and jumping...  ;D

I think The Abyss is just as magical as The Veil, in it's own way. It's great fun to see all the weird and wonderful creatures down there, as long as you keep your wits about you  ;)

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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2011, 09:05:42 pm »
@ archy

Did you try to actually climb the face rock? I am tempted to try, but I suck at climbing, so if someone else already succeeded in doing so it would be a huge incentive (dunno, that's the correct word? English isn't my native languageā€¦)

But I am really proud that I managed to get at least the easier of the rukh eggs :D

Offline Malidictus

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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2011, 09:50:48 pm »
After reading this thread, I tried using the Nature form's "briar" things as jumping platforms, but it really doesn't work. They look like they're reasonably flat to me, but when Naija lands on one of these, she always lands at a very awkward angle and usually refuses to jump towards the wall that the thing is planted in. I've already established that the Rukh egg that's at the top of the water bubbles over the Turtle Cave is impossible to get by a straight jump from the top-most bubble (or at least I have no idea how to do that), so the only thing I have left to try is climbing with plants, but that doesn't work, either. Is there some trick to this?

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2011, 01:08:33 am »
Nope, it's possible with plants, just keep trying... also try to remember that she always TRIES to jump away from the briars... so always aim in the opposite direction, then when jumping, plant a new briar under you.
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Offline Malidictus

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Re: Is it possible to get to the lower Rukh nest?
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2011, 10:31:09 am »
After wasting an unjustifiably long time jumping on thorn pillars, I finally figured out how the direction you can jump is determined. Naija will always try to jump away from the CENTRE of the briar thing, that is the middle of the pillar, and the angle you can launch off is determined from that. If you land on the part nearest the wall, you will almost be restricted to jumping straight towards the wall because you're jumping away from the middle. My problem was I was somehow goofing and ending up landing on almost the tip of the thing, and from the tip you can really only jump away from the wall almost entirely. It turns out the sweet spot is just inside of the middle, as this gives you full range of jumping angles towards the wall while still allowing you to jump almost straight up. If you can land that, you can then make a HUGE jump up. I managed to climp to the top of the world above the Rukh nest that way and realised you could actually cling to the nothingness above :)

I tried climbing the sheer wall on the other side, but that didn't work since my timing wasn't very good and my patience was running out AND there was nothing to be gained from doing so anyway. I still don't know how one is supposed to snag the extra two Rukh eggs that are under a massive overhang and over another equally nasty overhang below. I can't drop into them from above even with briar things because the top overhang is too large, and would be too large even if I could shoot plants to their ledge, and I can't climb from below because their nesting ground extends so far off the cliff face. There's actually another place I was trying to get, but I can't describe it well enough. I'll need a screenshot to demonstrate, which I can't get right now.