There are 28 descriptions on the front page (not counting the extra wok) and 4 in my post, 32.
There are 16 + 16 slots, 32.
I'm not sure which one you're missing since I don't have the game, but it should be there somewhere.
The Golden Starfish is somewhere underwater in the Veil, it's hidden in plain sight among other starfish in the background. It's yellow and even, slightly smaller than Naija's height.
I still don't remember about the Stone Head, but my partner in crime Karn says it's underwater in the veil.
Thanks, Mull !
I ended up finding the King's Skull on my own but when I'm done taking down this ice cave boss I'll look for the Odd Container.
I Couldn't have done it without Karn, really.
... And the
Plump Pirogi gives you a +2 to the energy form as well as increased defense for 15 seconds. Since the base foods are so easy to find, it's one of the nicest powerups there is!