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Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 10, 2007, 01:57:03 am »
Only rule: No spoilers please, avoid them if you can!

Hidden Memories

-The first hidden memory is in Mithalas, on the second map before entering the Cathedral, in a house on the central-east side of town.
- The second is at the very top of the Sun Temple. In the map area before the boss room, follow the unkillable moving robots to a room with a gear. Spin to raise the water level and take the northwest hallway all the way up until the water ends, then wall jump to the top. Jump from one gear to another to reach the other side, then either using the nature form plant jump, or the beast form jump, bounce between the two lower center cogs, and up the other cogs until you reach a floating water ball by a northeastern hall exit. Take this up and wall jump the testube outside of the Sun temple to the top and collect the second hidden memory.
- The last one is in the eastern section of the Abyss. Travel to the whale and sing him a song to enter his mouth (the song is circle, swirl, heart leaf… If my notes are correct.) Once inside the whale head to the back and an octopus will sing to you. Carefully listen to his song and then head back out to the main area inside the whale. Use the Sun Form to light up the lamps in the area. The order is east, north-west, south-west, center. Once you’ve successfully completed the puzzle go back to the octopus room and use the Bind spell to pick up the pearl. Carry the pearl out of the whale, past the geysers, and into the central alcove in the map area. Place the pearl in the pearl slot, charge it, and enter for the memory.
Don Andy, Ixis and diablospawn

Health Egg Upgrades
Info from Mull and Ixis

- The first one is hidden under the first rock you can move with the Bind spell in the song cave.
- In the belly of the whale.
- In the area between Open Waters and the Kelp Forest on the west side (the map that has a large number of cuttlefish spawns.) In the middle-ish area is a thin fish route connected to a sunken ship. At the end is a green health egg.
- In the Kelp Forest area before the boss. Use Nature form and open the flowers in the lower-right part of the area to reveal pearls, move a pearl up -right through a passage to the stand. Energize it and follow through the passage to get to the egg
- The last egg is in the second Frozen Veil area. Make your way to the northeast corner and use beast form or beast form + hot soup to reach two outcropping crystals. Then jump the rest of the way to the northeast cavern entrance. Follow the series of floating water-balls all the way to the top where you’ll fight a giant crab. This boss can be tricky, but essentially you’ll want to bind one of his bombs, switch to nature form (hotkey 4), then plant a large tree underneath him so he drops, then unbind the bomb and get the hell away from him. Do this three or four times until he’s defeated.


-Nautilus: Found south west of Naija's home, guarded by a giant Nautilus and it's children. Use the energy form to shoot it's tentacle spot.

-Piranha: Found in the kelp forest, the very northeastern part of it in Mermagon Cave(?). You must have beast form and fish form to reach it. The boss is a frog-like creature sitting atop a stone head. (Thanks to Laharah and lukich!)

-Dumbo Octopus: Much better than the name suggests! In The Veil, near the sun temple, head right down to the bottom to a crack and use fish form to go through. Continue on through the small cave system past a bunch of enemies (you'll need light form!). Battle the boss and you get a nice wee glowing octopus. Handy if you want to use other forms from light in the dark, pointless anywhere else! (Thanks to Lambchops!)

-Blaster Crab: Go to the Energy Temple with the nature form and use the path blocked by current with the beast form to get to the lower level. Go to the flower and use the nature form to get the pearl. Bring the pearl west and north to a previously locked door. Put the pearl in place, energize it, and enter the chamber, defeat the enemies and collect the last pet! (Provided by Mull.)

Names and descriptions by lukich and Xaith

-Big Seed
-"I discovered a giant seed in my sanctuary.
When I brought it home and planted it, it sprouted into a colorful garden."
-Various plants appear in Naija’s house.
Found: In the sanctuary where you begin the game, there is a boulder you can lift once you learn bind. It's underneath that boulder

-Jelly Beacon
-"This odd plant seemed to draw small jelly fish towards it."
-Jelly fish in Naija'a home
Found: Eastern side of Home Waters?

-Krotite Armor
-"I recovered this ancient battle armor worn by the Krotites from a secret entrance to the Energy Temple."
-Naija's wears it, but there is no effect mentioned

-Energy Idol
-"A small statuette that burned with the power of the Krotites."
-None known
Found: In the energy temple, by the boss using the fish form.

-In the rush of victory, I pulled this large tooth from the Energy God's jaw.  I decided to keep it, as a reminder..."
-None known
Found: Energy God's Mouth.

-Crab Armor
-"I fashioned this armor from the shell of the Giant Crab.  It would provide me with extra defense when worn."
-Increases defense when worn
Found:  Kill a certain miniboss. (Do I have to tell you which one?)
RvLeshrac and Don Andy

-Glowing Plant
-"Its twin bulbs drew jellyfish up form the deep."
-More jellyfish in Naija's home
Found: Hidden in a secret area in the western side of the abyss. Hint: Watch the minimap for the hidden passage.

-Mithalas Pot
-"This pot never seemed to run out of meat for my kitchen."
-Infinite meat in Naija's kitchen
Found: In Mithalas ruined cities northeast side, in a pagoda southest of the entrance (past the strong current.)

-Arnassi Armor
-"I won this armor by completing the Arnassi Gauntlet in record time.  When worn, I could ride seahorses more effectively.
-When worn, seahorses that you are riding move faster
Found: Complete the timed event in under 1m 30s in the Arnassi ruin area.  You can start it by playing the four runes on the wall. Big hint for finishing it within time: Time spent in Spirit form does not count against the race timer.

-Odd Container
-"The bubbles trapped inside this container amused me."
-None known
Found: In the Kelp Forest, on the same map with the small separated section (where you get the 3rd cooking slot in), you have to swim to the left of that section (note that you have to be in the actual Kelp Forest and NOT in the separated section, it's hard to describe) and then swim along the wall until you find a hidden cave with a wrecked ship in it. There you'll find a treasure chest.
Shadow and Don Andy

-Mithalas Banner
-"I took a blue banner from Mithalas, to remind me of the time spent in its waters."
-None known
Found: There are eight rooms by the entrance of the Mithalan palace - four above and four below. In the top-left one, there is a blue banner - this is it.

-Mithalas Doll
-"I imagined that this doll belonged to a young girl who had lived in Mithalas long before it was destroyed."
-None known
Found: I can't exactly recall where, but I think close to the entrance of Mithalas (the city), you can enter a house that has nothing but a small passage that you can only pass in fish form. Do that, and you'll find a -Mithalas plushie at the end. Since Mithalas doesn't have that many houses you can enter, it should be easy to find.
Don Andy

-Walker Baby
-"Perhaps one day it would grow up to be as magnificent as the Walkers in the Kelp Forest."
-Spawns an adult walker in Naija's garden.
Found: Travel to the ancient turtle in the Kelp Forest, swim straight down into the current until you face a split-up of the path. Swim down again until you get to the big kelps on the floor and swim left, until your minimap blackens out. Switch into the Sun form and continue left until you see a path on the minimap leading down. There's a "rock-disguised" monster right on top of the entrance. Continue down, swim past the giant walkers until one of the walkers blocks your path, switch into Spirit form and slip through the walker, leave the Spirit form and get the walker baby.
Xaith and Shadow

-Seed Bag
-I spread these seeds around the foresty area of my cave.  Soon small leafy sprouts appeared."
-Creates plants in Naija's home that can be binded for Plant Leaves.
Found: Go the the mini-nymphs' home in the kelp forest after obtaining nature form.  There is a plant passageway that will lead you to a garden full of leaves to pull, and also the treasure.

-Arnassi Statue
-"An Arnassi statue I scavenged from the ruins of the civilization."
-None known
Found: Hidden in dark area of the Arnassi ruins.

-"I thought that it might be fun to have one of these in my cave."
-Causes the gears in Naija's cave to spin
Found: Sun Temple, in the second half by going through the pipe the steampunk unkillable monsters go through.

-Urchin Costume
-"A spiny costume fashioned from the shells of sea urchins.  Creatures that touched it would take damage from its sharp spikes."
-When worn, things Naija physically touches will take continuous damage
Found: North of turtle cave, using the beast form to travel up a waterfall. You'll enter an area with lots of floating water. Use beast form to get to the top water bubbles, and then use hot soup and the beast jump to propel yourself to the topmost bubble.

-Girl's Costume
-A rather revealing costume..."
-Naija wears a bikini
Found: It's on the bed in the sunken city. Possibly the only room you don't have to visit so it should be easy to find.

-Mutant Costume
-"Why did they look so much like me..."
-Naija looks like a mutant
Found: In the Body, in the gauntlet just before the final save point. About halfway through, there's a small passage hidden in a wall covered with thorns - look at the map to see where it is.

-Jelly Costume
-"I won this costume by defeating King Jellyfish.  When worn, it would heal me if my wounds became critical."
-Automatically heals Naija if her health goes below 50% (I think), when worn.
Found: defeat the Jelly King in the west part of the abyss.

-Sun Key
-"A strange shiny object... I had no idea what it was for, but I decided to keep it."
-Spawns 2 mechanic fishes in the "sun temple like" part of Naija's cave.
Found: In the sun temple, along the eastmost wall of the first place where you'll have to manipulate the water level, there is a hidden passage (look on the minimap). The passage is in the first shaft in which you lower the blue crystal.

-Mithalian Dress
Found: In the cathedral there will be one section that you couldn't get in before you get beast form due to the current (if you've explored everywhere else it will be easy to see where it is on the map). Head there, use beast form to get past the current and there's your costume.
Lambchop and Mull

-Glowing Seed
-"When planted, this seed sprouted a garden of glowing plants in my cave."
-Glowing plants grow in Naija's home
Found: Hidden in the far western Area of The Abyss, pretty much impossible to miss if you fully explore the map.

-Turtle Egg
-"I found this egg in the Turtle Cave."
-Turtle's spawn in Naija's cave
Found: In turtle cave underneath the old turtle's head covered by rocks.

-King's Skull
-"How did he end up in such a terrible place, I wondered?"
-None known
Found: Caves covered in bones in the bottom left Open Waters. The King's Scull is in the west part of open waters, right above the west part of the abyss. There is an exit to a darkened cave in the lower-left and upper-right, in this cave you'll find the King's Skull behind a barrier you can get past with the spirit form.
Lukich and Mull

-Drask's Trident
-"This belonged on the end of a prince's weapon."
-None known
Found: Right after you got the Spirit form, swim down and then left past the hot streams.
Don Andy

-Song Plant Spore
-"The spores form the song plant reacted strongly to the Verse."
-Creates spores in Naija's cave that change color when she sings
Found: Top most area of the race portion of Arnassi Ruins

-Jelly Egg
"An egg from an upside-down jelly."
-Creates upside-down jellies in Naija's cave
Found: Bottom of the shaft just before the Kelp Forest boss. The one with all current and all the upside down plant things.

-Stone Head
-"I wondered in this stone's crude face was the product of nature or something else?"
Info: None known
Found: Not sure about this one either, but I think I saw it in the veil or somewhere in open water. It is a small rock slab with a face on it, resting somewhere on the ground

-Golden Starfish
-"A special starfish infused with the sun's power
-None known
Found: Not exactly sure, I think it was in the veil. It resembles the starfish in the background so it can be quite hard to spot. The bottom right corner of the veil.
Mull and Zabycx

-Anemone Seed
Found: In a tiny cave passageway above the giant anemone that is situated at the top of the room directly west of the save crystal in the Song Cave. Turn into Nature Form to swim past the giant anemone without it hurting you.  Continue swimming upward against the weak current to get to it.

-Black Pearl
-"A beautiful black pearl I found hidden away in a deep cave."
-Spawns a clam you can sleep in in Naija's garden.
Found: It's in the Kelp Forest, located on the map with the entrance to the sea nymphs' cave.
From the entrance of the nymphs' cave, swim northwest into the left main part of the map.
Swim north until you see a small cave with a big fish lurking in it (on the right side), switch into Fish form and swim past the big fish.
Switch to Sun form and follow the small passage behind the fish (avoid the thorns) and collect the Black Pearl at the end of the passage.
Xaith and Shadow

-Third Cooking Slot (outside of kitchen)
Found: Find the hidden passage in the dark area of the arnassi ruins. Hint, you need fish form to get through it.
Ride the turtle. It works independent from the other turtles and brings you to a small section in the Kelp Forest, where a "Simon sez" creature floats around.
Don Andy and Shadow


-Riding Seahorses
You can ride any seahorse by right-clicking on them. Naija will move close to them and finally mount one. Use the right-mouse singing button to control them. They won’t stay with you from map to map.

-Beast Form Health
You can regain lost health by running through schools of fish with the dash in the beast form.

-Wall Grabbing Boss Tactics
To avoid getting sucked in by various bosses, dash at walls. Naija will hold onto them and won’t get swept away by the current.

-Bind and Other Forms
While binding a rock or other item Naija can switch forms and she will still be attracting the bound item.

-Miniboss rides
Naija can ride on the backs of certain minibosses. This has no apparent added affect however.

-Green Metal Bulbs
Throw flowers at them in Nature form to teleport.

-Hidden Sun Temple Room
In Naija’s house, at the very bottom is a strong current you cannot pass until you have the beast form. Going south and then west will take you to a hidden room resembling the Sun Temple. Other uses are unknown so far. There is also another room to the southeast.

Li is located in the northeastern part of the Veil. Swim near the surface until you find a man in a blue diver’s suit. Follow him closely until he leads you to an underwater cave. Get closer to him when he’s cornered and use the bind spell to remove his helmet.

-Leech Regeneration
In some places (house in Mithalas, cave behind a fish in the Kelp forest, bubble in the frozen veil) are little tadpoles(?). If you don't shoot them and sing, they will clung to your body and permanent regenerate you as long as you are on this map.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2007, 10:07:49 pm by Ixis »

Offline Lambchops

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2007, 02:09:31 am »

I've already forgotten where I found the Piranha!

Dumbo Octopus - much better than the name suggests! In The Veil, near the sun temple, head right down to the bottom to a crack and use fish form to go through. Continue on through the small cave system past a bunch of enemies (you'll need light form!). Battle the boss and you get a nice wee glowing octopus. Handy if you want to use other forms from light in the dark, pointless anywhere else!


Ceremonial costume - in the cathedral there will be one section which you couldn't get in before you get beast form due to the current (if you've explored everywhere else it will be easy to see where it is on the map). Head there, use beast form to get past the current and there's your costume.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 02:11:13 am by Lambchops »

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2007, 02:18:50 am »
Parahana Pet- in the kelp forrest, the very north eastern part of it (must have beast form and fish form). there's an awkward looking boss on a totem that bites.

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2007, 02:23:19 am »
The place you find the piranha is called Mermagon Cave (I think)...  The boss looks like a frog sitting on a stone head, and he bounces all over the place.

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2007, 02:34:27 am »
The final pet (can't recall the name, even though it was the one I used for most of the game) is in Energy Temple, just past where you fought the boss. You'll need nature form to get it - Go to the tunnel that leads back to the beginning of the temple, and open the flower to reveal a pearl. Move the pearl left and up to the empty stand and open the door to enter a chamber with some enemies, defeat them for the egg.

... Also, shouldn't you list where the energy upgrade eggs are?
- Bottom of the cave just after you get Bind
- Belly of the whale
- Kelp Forest, area before the boss. Use the Nature form and open the flowers in the lower-right part of the area to reveal pearls, move a pearl up -right through a passage to the stand. energize it and follow through the passage to get to the egg
- Frozen Veil. Go into the cave either by moving through the water bubbles from the left or by jumping directly from the surface, then navigate to the top of the cave. Defeat the boss (bind bombs and use charged nature shots to lower crab)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 02:47:00 am by Mull »
the legendary cake is a lie

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2007, 03:57:33 am »
Thanks Mull! I haven't beaten the game yet, I just beat the Sun Temple and I'm heading for the Kelp Forest Temple. I'll add the updates though, thanks! ^_^

Oh, btw where is the whale?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 04:08:50 am by Ixis »

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2007, 04:24:07 am »
Buttery Sea Loaf - Sea Loaf + Any Oil
Heal +1
(Make one)

Legendary Cake - Tasty Cake + Arcane Poultice + Rukh Egg
Invulnerable for 10 seconds

(I'm totally not telling where the Rukh Egg and Legendary Cake are... it took me forever to figure it out.)

Long Life Soup - Hot Soup + Tentacle + Any Mushroom
Heal +1
Regen x1

Spider Roll - Hand Roll + Spider Egg
Web Ability for 8 seconds

Sight Poultice - Healing Poultice + Small Eye
Cures Blindness (Squid Ink)

Ice Cream - Jelly Oil + Any Egg + Any Icechunk
(That's really what it says, yes.)


Crab Armor - Kill a certain miniboss. (Do I have to tell you which one?)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 05:19:17 am by RvLeshrac »

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2007, 05:55:03 am »
Anyone know how to make a peroggie? I got stuffed peroggie which dosen't help much.

Also, any idea what can be made with a bone? they've just been eating a hole in my inventory.

Offline diablospawn

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2007, 05:59:53 am »

- Perogi
Energy Form Shot +1 / +Defense
Hand Roll + Any Oil + Any Egg

- Plump Perogi
I forget, I ate it
Perogi + Any Mushroom
Sea Loaf is Teh Tasty!

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 06:28:55 am »

PERMANENT THIRD COOKING SLOT (As in, you no longer need a kitchen):
Find the hidden passage in the dark area of the arnassi ruins. Hint, you need fish form to get through it.

Arnassi Armor: Complete the timed event in under 1m 30s in the Arnassi ruin area.  You can start it by playing the four runes on the wall. Big hint for finishing it within time: Time spent in Spirit form does not count against the race timer.

Arnassi Statue: Hidden in dark area of the Arnassi ruins.

Glowing Plant: Hidden in a secret area in the western side of the abyss. Hint: Watch the minimap for the hidden passage.

Odd Container: Found the Kelp Forest, it's in a dark area near the boss spot. EDIT: Not really accurate, I can't remember exactly where I got it, just that it was in a dark area of the Kelp Forest.

Walker Baby: Also hidden in the Kelp Forest, find the dark area and watch the minimap in the area with the ancient turtle.

Jelly Egg: Bottom of the shaft just before the Kelp Forest boss. The one with all current and all the upside down plant things.

Black Pearl: Hidden in a dark area northwest of the ... uh ... sea ... sprite ... cave ... place. Can't remember what they're called. :( Go past the big ugly monster in the small cave to get to it.

Glowing Seed: Hidden in the far western Area of The Abyss, pretty much impossible to miss if you fully explore the map.

Still looking around for the three treasures I am missing.

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2007, 06:35:25 am »
Dumbo Ice Cream - Small Eye + Glowing Egg + Any Ice Cream
Sun form power-up

Crab Cake - Sea Cake + Crabmeat
Def Up/15 sec.

Cold Borscht - Cold Soup + Red Berry + Red Bulb
Heal +3
Def Up/15 Sec

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 06:56:35 am »
Eep, I better beat the game soon. Sounds like everyone's farther than me.

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2007, 07:03:26 am »
eh enjoy it... its fun to just float around finding stuff...

but seriously: bones... what uses these worthless things Oo
Sea Loaf is Teh Tasty!

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 07:23:24 am »

Kings Skull - Caves covered in bones in the bottom left Open Waters
Song Plant Spore - Top most area of the race portion of Arnassi Ruins

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Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2007, 07:35:27 am »

You sure on the location of that "Third Cooking Slot"?  I looked all over the dark area of Arnassi, nothing.  Are you talking about the area with the Turtle?