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Author Topic: Wii wish for Aquaria  (Read 24865 times)

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2007, 01:34:05 pm »
As an aside, I played the Wii for like an hour a couple days ago and my arms are sore as hell still.

Well, for one, you don't need to swing like a pro Batter. It's all in the wrists, for real here. I still have a hell of a time with boxing, even then.

It's so much more fun to swing like you've got a 2 x 4 in your hand and you're trying to cave in a skull. >:D
I never thought of it that way. We need a reviews section, maybe?

I tried Wii Play, and loved it. They say it's crap, but it's pretty good. I liked playing Tanks just to shoot my partner and take all the glory.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2007, 04:05:09 am »

Quad Core!!

Yeah? But it runs Linux, so it's not worth anything.

 ;D  Okay, that got me laughing.

But yes, I'd think the Wii and the DS would both be great places to port.  I think Live Arcade is almost a given at this point.  It's really doing well for itself, and it's surprised me quite a bit.  I've got a 360 despite being a hardcore PC guy, and I've been almost weirded out to see the popularity of some of the indy games I've been playing for years now.  It's a trip.

But I'd definitely like to throw my vote in here and say "yes!" to portability.  I've been playing Castlevania: SOTN on my PSP lately, and it works so beautifully.  Aquaria is starting more and more to make me think of Castlevania, and the impressions I'm getting are that it would work really well on a portable platform.

"All you get from killing monkeys is a deep sense of shame." - Alec


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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2007, 04:53:15 am »

Quad Core!!

Yeah? But it runs Linux, so it's not worth anything.

 ;D  Okay, that got me laughing.

But yes, I'd think the Wii and the DS would both be great places to port.  I think Live Arcade is almost a given at this point.  It's really doing well for itself, and it's surprised me quite a bit.  I've got a 360 despite being a hardcore PC guy, and I've been almost weirded out to see the popularity of some of the indy games I've been playing for years now.  It's a trip.

But I'd definitely like to throw my vote in here and say "yes!" to portability.  I've been playing Castlevania: SOTN on my PSP lately, and it works so beautifully.  Aquaria is starting more and more to make me think of Castlevania, and the impressions I'm getting are that it would work really well on a portable platform.
I weould like to think nothing could ebat the original Ps1 goodness.

Offline w1ngzer0

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2007, 09:03:45 am »
Lol, i got the funny warning about this thread has not been replied in 120 days. Well, no point in making a new thread to expand on the Wii idea.

The wii lacks true value games. For me the Wii is not but full of mini games and beyond mario and some of the classics it lacks true luster that would complete the console. I honestly think Aquaria would be this. The only problem is with the Wiimote. There are some areas of Aquaria that require accuracy. Bosses and other items in the game. The Wiimote feels like a floating boat more then an accurate mouse.

Mush Man

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2007, 10:45:29 am »
Shit post. Please ignore.

Edited: 22 March 2011
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 08:45:37 am by Mush Man »

Offline Don Andy

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2007, 11:05:57 am »
I still think that PSN is the best option.

Think about it.  With XBLA, it would indeed be possible, too, but every single mod (and I believe that Mods will play a BIG role in Aquria's future) would need to be put up there as approved DLC. So only the real top-notch quality mods approved by Alec, Derek and Microsoft would be up there, and probably cost 200 points :p
With Wii, you could be glad if you could download the game at all. The setup file for PC alone was about 200MB. That is almost half of the space the Wii has already. To that, what wingzero said about Wiimote controls isn't quite untrue. I mean, yes, they aren't a wobbly mess of craziness, and after some getting used to will work just as well as the mouse, but I can see it becoming a problem in hectic scenes, especially when there's a lot of accurate dodging required.

With PSN however, we'd have everything we need. The hardware requirements are easily met (360 and Wii do have that too, though), the space is there (even on the smallest PS3 version) and, most importantly, we'd have the ability to play mods quite easily, from what I can imagine.
Just put the mod on your USB stick, plug it in the PS3 and Aquaria can read them off there.
From my knowledge, the PS3 is the only console where this would work "just like that".

OK, granted, not many people have the PS3 and it's isn't the most popular of consoles either, but you can't deny its popularity is constantly rising and with the introduction of the 40GB model, more and more people are getting one.

In about one year, the PS3 will most likely be as widespread as the 360 is right now. And I don't think we will really see a console port anytime before then either.

So, yeah, not dissing any console here, I just worked out what appears to me to be the best solution :p

Offline blackzeroflame

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2007, 07:33:11 pm »
The wii-mote is actually extremely accurate, but many people aren't using it properly.  I recently got the Umbrella Chronicles and was having a lot of trouble making headshots, because you have to hit exactly in the center of the forehead.  I thought it would be easy because i was using a massive HDTV, but i found that my sight would wobble and jerk around.  I then realized that if i used the sensitivity calibration tool, it smoothed everything out.  I suggest maxing out the sensitivity and bracing the wiimote on your leg.  The sensitivity boosts the update speed on the remote, so it doesn't wiggle and jump.  After calibration i went from about 5-10% headshots, to 70-80% headshots.

Mush Man

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2007, 12:02:42 am »
Shit post. Please ignore.

Edited: 22 March 2011
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 08:45:59 am by Mush Man »

Offline Alric Lantra

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2007, 10:30:15 am »
I think a DS version would be cool. It couldn't be a straight port; would have to be a pretty different version of the game. But controlling with the touch pad would be awesome. :)

Quoted for the ultimate truth!  Aquaria on the DS would be great.  Wii would be fun, also.  As an aside, I played the Wii for like an hour a couple days ago and my arms are sore as hell still.

It's interesting that people are comparing the game to NiGHTS.  I've never played NiGHTS, so I wouldn't know... but I have seen some video of it, and it's not the first game I'd think of.  I think that's really cool, though! ^-^

I've not played NiGHTS either, but I can see the comparison- sort of a "flying" platformer, where motion isn't necessarily subject to gravity.  and from what I've heard of NiGHTS, that comparison is one of the highest compliments you can recieve, at least coming from those who play it.

on a side note- What' s with your avatar Alec?  did a few copies of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure fall into the ocean?

Offline DragonXVI

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2007, 10:43:10 am »
The Wiimote feels like a floating boat more then an accurate mouse.

A few days training on Umbrella Chronicles fixes that, trust me :p
I mean you don't just need headshots in that game, you need "Forehead shots". Never before will your accuracy with a Wiimote be tested

'Course it helps if you like Resident Evil :D

Metroid Prime 3 also demonstrates how to capably replace a mouse and analogue sticks in a first Person Shooter environment (And works spectacularly. Honestly enjoyed it more than Halo 3). I will admit that The Wii's Best GAmes all same to be Nintendos own, which I'd put down to their reputation with 3rd party development (ie. Whar is it?)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 10:46:16 am by DragonXVI »
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Offline blackzeroflame

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Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2007, 05:10:41 am »

on a side note- What' s with your avatar Alec?  did a few copies of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure fall into the ocean?

his avatar is Najia done in the same style as Cave Story, another fantastic indy game that i highly recommend, it's free too