I dunno how to say it in the subject line, but what I mean is, I just finished the demo and bought the game, and right away went into the kelp forest. I'm pretty sure I wasn't meant to be in there (it was insane) but I ended up getting like 4 or 5 screen's through as I headed upward, I ended up dieing in a part with a bunch of spiky plants all right next to each other.
Anyway, the game reminds me more of the exploration of Metroid then Zelda really, maybe because of the 2D side view nature, except unlike metroid, the game doesn't seem to block you off from exploring area's you shouldn't be in. It really makes you feel like your discovering a place you shouldn't be entering, yet the game lets you, which you don't normally get from most games which tend to hold your hand a tad too much.
Only thing I'm wondering, isn't it possible to mess up the progression of things by getting through these areas? I'm not sure what the kelp forest is for, but I did notice some rather tight holes (one in particular around the save crystal which I had been looking for for ages and in the end couldn't actually get to

) So I guess in the end they block progress with something like this?