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Author Topic: Does Naija have scales or flesh?  (Read 33412 times)

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2011, 12:22:44 am »
Okay, for one, the first part of my posts weren't directed at you, but at the one before you, I was obviously supporting what you said as well, only in a more blunt way. Good job thinking you're the only one on this forum.

Quote from: SuperDecimal
No-one said anything about her being smarter. I did mention though her having a more profound connection to the verse, seeing that she was born of a creature that was created using the most potent uses of the Verse.
Furthermore, Mia wipes Naija's memory, so anything Naija was taught was forgotten. Naija lives as an otherwise feral creature afterwards until Mia starts to send her on her quest.
Smart == More power, sorry you misunderstood that. Second to that, I'm 99% sure that she's smarter than most, if not all of the Mithalans.
Also got confused by the pretty long post, misplaced the intelligent of Mia with powerful, knowledge is power anyway.
Quote from: SuperDecimal
Also bear in mind that language is not coherent, concise words and complex structure. Some animals have highly developed language. Most have language that is based on the transition between instinct and reasoning. A thought is just expressing and processing any sort of information and deciding how to act. It's that blurry line between instinctual reaction and reasoning (on any scale) that becomes thought. And that communication is also language.
Ultimately; almost all animals are capable of thoughts on varying degrees in varying species.
Language is indeed not coherent, thinking however is. Anything that's related to behavior is input and output. Dog pees against chair, gets hit on the nose, relates peeing against chair to pain, so next time he gets the URGE to do that, he'll relate to the pain and not do it. However, any creature that hasn't developed a speaking language, is most likely feral, or integrated into a culture that DOES have a coherent language, even then... when integrating into a culture that does have that, means you learn that language as much as your mind allows it.
Quote from: SuperDecimal
But those are cetaceans, and cetaceans are mammals.
Naija does not breathe air.

Besides, as a fictional underwater creature, I think people should and are entitled to interpret and speculate as they wish here, especially when there is not defined truth.
I said it's unlikely, not that it's not so.
Second to that, rays also have patterns, so don't go all wiseass with species order on me. Almost all species have skin diversity which most of the time result in patterns, not scales AND skin.

This game gives a lot of open interpretation to what things might be or not be, but that's because not a lot of things are explained. This however doesn't mean people can go and pull random facts on the game like saying that Mia's at least just as powerful as the creator, seeing she obviously isn't or she would've confronted him herself with a slight bit of help from another of the 13. Inevitably, when you look at it, she defeated the Creator with the "help" of all 13 together.

Finally, keep your Dutch to yourself, stay in English. It'll only remind me of a certain ass that came prancing around here with fancy words while he didn't even buy the game anyway.
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Offline EshDee

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2011, 09:38:41 am »
I have no idea why you're acting with such a self entitled, condescending attitude.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2011, 05:06:35 pm »
God sees and knows everything, but at least he won't gossip about it.

Offline EshDee

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2011, 06:07:34 pm »
I'm not sure where you're going with this.
Other than you potentially thought my original post also had a condescending air to it. In which case I would have simply stated there wasn't any intent, seeing as I hadn't read any posts here other than quickly skimming the latest one and otherwise addressed the post to no-one -  just putting my general thoughts out on the current subject. And I'd have apologised to people generally if it [the tone] seemed otherwise.
I did get a little peeved at you, because your direct reply - seeing that it was also directed at others as you said, as well as me - was just downright pedantic to anyone reading. That was my interpretation of it. And there in my reply I also stated I was only speaking for myself, as I hadn't read all the others posts. Though I tried to make it as friendly as possible with the smilies and use of a random Dutch word for - well, the gezelligheid - and to show I wasn't being so srs bsns.

tl;dr I don't get why you're being assy - and if it was because you thought the tone of my post was off, all you'd have had todo was just ask me what's going on. Chances are I didn't realise if it was the case, and just explained, apologised to folks and tried to avoid posting in such a formal style from now on. Simple things really.


So we're clear - if my original posts or any since had a certain tone about them - I genuinely didn't realise it when posting, and no offence or things like that were meant. So many amounts of sorries for that.  :'(
If anyone has an issue with me at all in the future or whenever, by all means tell me directly.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 06:29:55 pm by EshDee »

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2011, 07:29:22 pm »
Not entirely sure how to make this post sound nice, so I'll just get to the point.
I was indeed slightly agitated that you only looked at my post and thought everything was aimed at you, which I made pretty clear afterwards.
Then there was the continuing of a subject that was generally weird, talking about gods, demigods and those things while it simply has to do with magics and powers which is why I responded with such a reply in the first place, going against the god thing and with what you tried to say, only in more... layman's terms and to the point.
Further I'm not sure how you just used the word pedantic, but I never understood that word exactly anyway. Also the smilies and Dutch word just made it sound like you were mocking.

Finally, I was cranky when I made that post. This makes me miss my attitude most of the time even when I don't mean it so, as thus my actual apologies for that.

P.S. <3 Joker

P.P.S. Why did you follow me on twitter?
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Offline EshDee

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2011, 08:15:31 pm »
Well, if it helps clear things up, I didn't mean for the post to sound like I was taking everything you said personally - I was just replying from my standpoint generally about point you raised. I didn't think you were replying specifically to me, seeing that half the things you said didn't have much to do to what I posted originally. And my post replying was more me agreeing with you for the first half.
If I continued it, it was probably purely for the sake of discussing for the sake of discussing. The game's still pretty fresh in my mind after beating it a few days ago, so I'm all for chatting about minute details is all. You could have mentioned the design of the Jellyfish and I would have discussed in depth about that too! xD

Pedantic just means being condescending.

As for smilies and the Dutch words - I used the smilies specifically with the thought that my post might be read as rude without them. There's such a huge element that you don't get with text as you do vocally, so wanted to try and be as upfront as to my feelings, so the post wasn't seen as anything else. It definitely wasn't sarcasm, I can promise that - just kinda funny how the smilies had the complete opposite effect I used them for. And the Dutch word was used again, to try and be friendly. Moved to the Hague a few months ago, and thought it'd just be nice to call the convo/debate gezellig to show again that all was good, that my post wasn't meant to be seen as anything other than the meaning of gezellig.

No offense were intended. And the smilies and dutch words were there to genuinely try and make that clearer. :']

So maybe this was all a big case of being lost in translation? xD

As for twitter, knowing my BF's humour, he probably did it to try and be funny.  :-\


In short; Sorry for not being clear and having a confusing series of posts - No harm done. :)


Yeah, I can ramble on for ages and write long posts. And then later realise I can say it all in one sentence! xD
I'll try to make my future posts a lot clearer.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2011, 11:49:27 pm »
Wait I just noticed, you changed your name? I'm fairly sure I was talking to SuperDecimal.

And all in all the discussion was more or less miscommunication and crankiness on my side. Btw, the jelly costume's hat always weirded me out.

Pedantic according to the online dictionary means that you're being all wiseass about a certain object you know a lot about, and that's one of many different meanings, so I dunno.

Smilies have the same effect as smiles in real life, they can either be sincere or be faking it. I thought it was the latter seeing Dutch was added, which seemed like an attempt to mock me, but now is obvious that it wasn't.

Also, boyfriend?

Anyway, I'm the same way. I have my clear-minded moods and the cloud-minded moods.
All in all, no biggie.

Oh and I'm seeing the new smilies as well now too, ohlawd. @_@ White anti aliasing pixels around them. :c
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