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Offline Miss Lynx

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Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« on: May 24, 2010, 05:30:53 am »
Hello all,

I'm in the Kelp Forest, and I've come to a spot where a big white fish is guarding a tunnel, and if I come close, it eats me. Doing a big energy blast (i.e. holding down the right mouse button and then releasing it, while in energy form) makes it spit me out, but it doesn't seem to do any damage to the fish, although it certainly does damage to me (I always seem to be smouldering when I get out). Shooting energy bolts at it doesn't seem to have any effect. I've let it eat me and tried to blow it up from inside several times over, but it doesn't seem to have done any major damage, probably because it spits me out before I can get the blast off. I'm not sure what else to try... Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance...

Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 05:39:18 am »
Those fish are there to be obstacles, not to be killed. :3

I can't really say anything else without giving anything away. ^^;
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Offline Miss Lynx

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 06:34:27 am »
Er... So basically, anywhere I see one of those is somewhere I'm not supposed to go yet?

The Kelp Forest is the first area I've been to from the Open Waters, and the only form I have (other than the starting one, obviously) is the energy form, if that's a factor...

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2010, 07:06:11 am »
Just swim around the fish for now and keep exploring. :3
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Offline Xiagan

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2010, 09:29:32 am »
Unless it's too dark. THen you might want to come back later. ;)

I prefer going right from open waters instead of left/up. If you find the Kelp Forest to difficult atm, you may try that direction first. :)
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2010, 10:03:45 pm »
And just a reminder, you don't have to kill everything. ^.^
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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2010, 11:01:44 pm »
Also, if you see something that is apparently invincible and doesn't move- that's usually a good indication that there might be something interesting back there.

You can sneak around those guys if you're quick- at which point Xiagan's advice kicks in.

I also agree that going right seems like an easier transition than the kelp forest if you're new to the open waters.
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2010, 11:03:04 pm »
Going right is a bit more friendly.

If you choose not to, though, just keep exploring around the kelp forest. With the forest, though, you should just keep moving. Don't worry if you don't kill everything at once--things you kill respawn when you re-enter the map anyway.

Just whatever you do do NOT go down from open waters until you feel... enlightenment... about Aquaria. ^^;
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 11:05:17 pm by Lady-Succubus »
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Offline Miss Lynx

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Another Kelp Forest-related question (was: Eaten by a fish)
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2010, 11:56:30 pm »
Well, I ended up managing to slip past one of those fish completely by accident, somewhat to my surprise. :) Found my way into someplace that was completely dark, although it didn't seem too close to the other dark place I'd wandered into from somewhere in the Open Waters, so maybe there's two different dark areas?

Anyway, I think now I've been through most of the Kelp Forest, or at least I've found my way to the nature goddess, who has been reliably killing me every time I go up against her. Although that's partly because it took me a while to figure out that just singing the notes she was making wasn't going to be enough... But really, even now that I've gotten the general idea of what I'm supposed to be doing (trying to avoid spoilers here), and can injure her to the point where she goes ballistic and throws everything at you at once, I never seem to be able to survive that final onslaught.

A couple of you said going right might have been easier than going to the Kelp Forest - does that mean Mithalas? Because I did find my way there at one point. I'd been in the Kelp Forest briefly, and then somehow ended up outside of it by accident and couldn't find my way back in at first, so I started exploring elsewhere, and found the entrance to Mithalas... But I'd heard that was supposed to be harder than the Kelp Forest, so I backed out again and kept wandering until I eventually found my way back to the Kelp Forest (the world map seems to be of limited use in that respect, or maybe I'm just not good at reading it).

Anyway, I'm just wondering if maybe I was wrong and Mithalas would have been easier, or if maybe there's somewhere else I should have gone before either of those? Because I seem to be out my league with the nature goddess...

Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2010, 03:18:24 am »
Mithalas is easier than the kelp forest. There are less monsters chasing you around. Some people recommend that you go to the Kelp Forest first because there are more bonuses in Mithalas that require forms from the Kelp Forest than there are bonuses in the Kelp Forest that require forms in Mithalas.

The area behind fish are little "mysterious" caves, and like most "mysterious" caves, they are dark (as does the bottom of the ocean tend to be). So while there is only one "large dark area" there are actually many smaller "spots without light" in Aquaria. In fact, the first time you're meant to encounter true darkness is actually in the upper part of the map.

You really don't need to worry about the fish that much. Just think of them like the giant fire spitting things. They're just there to annoy you and give off the impression that the Kelp Forest is full of life. :3

As for Mother Nature... just keep shooting, and practice swimming around, I guess. Remember that you can make Naija shoot with ctrl if you find jamming on both mouse buttons a bit too hard (I did >_<). If you find yourself needing to move in one direction while shooting in another, remember that you can move with wasd or the arrow keys (though you should try not to get too used to that, you really need to primarily swim after your cursor to get maximum control--that you can sacrifice during some boss fights.)

If you need more help, just let us know! =^.^=
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Offline Miss Lynx

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 05:21:33 am »
Thanks so much for all your help! I've decided to take a bit of a breather from Mother Nature, and explore a bit further - and in so doing, found my way into the Fish Cave, which was pretty straightforward, so now I have the fish form, and can spend some time exploring all the itty-bitty tunnels I couldn't fit into before. Once I'm feeling brave again, I'll either go back to Mother Nature or maybe take a a detour to Mithalas for a bit. I figure with the fish form I should maybe be able to get into some parts of that... Anyway, thanks again!

Offline Xiagan

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 04:52:11 pm »
Going right is a bit more friendly.
Mithalas friendly? Ugh, I don't want to see your room. ;)

Miss Lynx, try to collect a lot of leaves, meat, eggs and oil to cook the basic health foods. With them, you should be easily able to defeat Mother Nature.

Fish form, btw, has the bonus, that a lot of enemies doesn't hunt you, because they think you're one of them. So Fish form is useful to get fast and relatively save through the Kelp Forest. :)
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2010, 10:32:29 pm »
My room is rather messy. I try not to go into it unless it is dark at night when I can't see the mess, or I would go crazy. :3 I don't even know where the mess came from >_>

Really? I thought that might've been true at first but all the big enemies started trying to eat me still. ._.
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Offline Zanith

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2010, 05:14:35 am »
Also, keep in mind that the enemies Mother Nature summons don't have to be killed. It's often easier just to stay out of their way until they disappear. I only caught onto that about halfway in. >_<

Eh, not THAT many enemies ignore you, in my experience, but Sea Dragons won't bother you unless you stay within sight of them for too long, and they're arguably the most troublesome. Plus, I must admit, it's probably the best form in terms of evasiveness for all the things that still attack.

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Re: Eaten by a fish in the Kelp Forest
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2010, 06:59:55 am »
There are also those starfish in the Veil that are really annoying. With fish form, they just stay in the background.
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