When Aquaria goes open source, someone else can finally fix all those stupid little bugs. 
But seriously, Today feels like a good day. 
I have to say I'm surprised. I remember when a Mac port had only just begun and talk of a Linux port made it seem tenuous at best and now Aquaria is being open sourced. May I ask what it was that motivated such a decision? You really don't see games of Aquaria's quality being open sourced at all, generally. I get that you've probably got most of the revenue you would have already but still, this is unprecedented.
It's interesting, with the ongoing situations at major publishers right now. Ubisoft's DRM requiring constant connection to the net, Activison Blizzards CEO "issues" etc etc. All the while we seem to be experiencing more and more of a groundswell of indie developers. In the last year or two I've bought (far) more indie games than big titles. If you'd have told me that 5 years ago I never would have believed you. This coupled with more mediums with fairer pricing for indies (steam, phone app stores (except the iphone since the licence change)) and the (apparently) huge popular support making even "donate whatever you want" schemes viable seems to echo a new era in gaming.
If you went back 5 or 10 years and tried this, i'm not sure it would work, I'm not sure the culture would be there. At the very least you would be laughed at by the very industry you are now a very successful part of. Is this the beginning of change on the scale of the record industry? I'm starting to think it is. Massive budget games and film seem to be becoming more and more obsolete. Of course there are always exceptions (MW2, Avatar respectively) but those are fewer and further between than ever before - Well, at least the ones that make money.