W00, can't wait for Prince of Persia. I'm sure I'll be disappointed somehow, and I'm not a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal, but the previews looked alright! I loved those games

cough Except when they got rid of the voice actor for Prince in the second and third one x( and like, all of the characterization...
Anyway, before I get seriously off topic (too late?), I think Aquaria would be an interesting movie, though I'm not sure I can envision it well. The game just has so much. The movie, if it were all live-action, would have to be 99% CGI and wow, expensiiive. As for an animated movie? Well...maybe. I don't watch a lot of movies myself, so I can't even offer a respectable studio. Maybe Miyazaki should do it. He's a giant feminist, and since Naija is the main character, and a female, he's halfway there. (I sound so ignorant. I promise I'm not, I go to an all-girl's college.) I like what he did with Howl's Moving Castle, in general, he changed it up a bit, but movies always do that. I think his visuals would be interesting. Maybe it's because I'm thinking of the opening scene in Ponyo, with all of the undersea creatures.
Although I'm sure he'd change the ending somehow so everyone lives happily ever after. Hahaha