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It should be made into a movie.
4 (14.8%)
It should be made into a movie, but I don't want anyone to try because they will ruin it.
12 (44.4%)
It should never be made into a movie, it wouldn't be a good one.
11 (40.7%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Author Topic: Aquaria should be made into a movie.  (Read 41009 times)

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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #45 on: May 23, 2010, 06:57:21 pm »
He wants revenge... on gamers?
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Offline Pelar

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2010, 07:31:37 pm »
He wants revenge... on gamers?

You'd sure think he did.

There haven't been many good game-to-movie translations. Speaking of which... Prince of Persia is coming out next week I think. The guy who wrote the games actually wrote the script (Jordan Mechner I think is his name), and Jerry Bruckheimer is directing. It'll probably be a fun summer movie w/o a ton of substance. Still it'll probably be a step up from most of the previous conversions.

If a studio did pick up Aquaria for a movie, does anyone think that there's one that would handle it well?
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2010, 07:33:16 pm »
Maybe if they had our devs make the script, and didn't ruin the interpretation of the script by making the actors not take it seriously. xD
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Offline PirateSquid

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #48 on: May 24, 2010, 05:06:59 am »
W00, can't wait for Prince of Persia. I'm sure I'll be disappointed somehow, and I'm not a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal, but the previews looked alright! I loved those games :) cough Except when they got rid of the voice actor for Prince in the second and third one x( and like, all of the characterization...

Anyway, before I get seriously off topic (too late?), I think Aquaria would be an interesting movie, though I'm not sure I can envision it well. The game just has so much. The movie, if it were all live-action, would have to be 99% CGI and wow, expensiiive. As for an animated movie? Well...maybe. I don't watch a lot of movies myself, so I can't even offer a respectable studio. Maybe Miyazaki should do it. He's a giant feminist, and since Naija is the main character, and a female, he's halfway there. (I sound so ignorant. I promise I'm not, I go to an all-girl's college.) I like what he did with Howl's Moving Castle, in general, he changed it up a bit, but movies always do that. I think his visuals would be interesting. Maybe it's because I'm thinking of the opening scene in Ponyo, with all of the undersea creatures.

Although I'm sure he'd change the ending somehow so everyone lives happily ever after. Hahaha
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2010, 05:08:43 am »
Happily ever after endings are unsettling.
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #50 on: May 24, 2010, 02:38:00 pm »
Indeed, if they'd make a movie out of this.. the important scenes will probably stay untouched.

I do wonder how they're going to make the singing system like... I mean, we have 8 directions and 8 notes for gameplay mechanics, I presume that the movie Naija will just have small songs to actually change instead of a few notes.
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Offline Pelar

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #51 on: May 24, 2010, 07:07:09 pm »
W00, can't wait for Prince of Persia. I'm sure I'll be disappointed somehow, and I'm not a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal, but the previews looked alright! I loved those games :) cough Except when they got rid of the voice actor for Prince in the second and third one x( and like, all of the characterization...

Anyway, before I get seriously off topic (too late?), I think Aquaria would be an interesting movie, though I'm not sure I can envision it well. The game just has so much. The movie, if it were all live-action, would have to be 99% CGI and wow, expensiiive. As for an animated movie? Well...maybe. I don't watch a lot of movies myself, so I can't even offer a respectable studio. Maybe Miyazaki should do it. He's a giant feminist, and since Naija is the main character, and a female, he's halfway there. (I sound so ignorant. I promise I'm not, I go to an all-girl's college.) I like what he did with Howl's Moving Castle, in general, he changed it up a bit, but movies always do that. I think his visuals would be interesting. Maybe it's because I'm thinking of the opening scene in Ponyo, with all of the undersea creatures.

Although I'm sure he'd change the ending somehow so everyone lives happily ever after. Hahaha

Yeah... it probably won't live up to expectations, even if it's a lot better than most previous conversions. I'm not a big fan of Jake either, barring Donnie Darko.

Back to the Aquaria movie... I think the problem with making it live action would be this: who would make a good Naija? I can't say that any particular actress comes to mind right away. It would have to be a newer actress that's just breaking onto the scene, I think. One who's not very typecast yet.

Of course, if it were animated (3D or 2D) then that problem disappears and you would want to have Jenna playing Naija if possible.

Indeed, if they'd make a movie out of this.. the important scenes will probably stay untouched.

I do wonder how they're going to make the singing system like... I mean, we have 8 directions and 8 notes for gameplay mechanics, I presume that the movie Naija will just have small songs to actually change instead of a few notes.

They would probably have to expand on some of the events a fair bit to really bring the world to life. I wonder what sort of methods could be used to teach her new songs and how those songs might be employed? They would certainly have to be longer than 3 notes, and they would probably be variations on the verse.

Most of the gameplay mechanics would need to be boiled down a lot to make it work, imo. Another thing that would make it difficult is the fact that there are really only 2 characters and 2 bosses that really have any dialogue. If the spirit of exploration and discovery (with a side of suspense) could be maintained it could be an engaging movie, but I think that it would be difficult.
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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #52 on: May 24, 2010, 10:12:31 pm »
Remember how there were barely any characters who said anything in WALL-E? Yet people still enjoyed it...

The songs will have to be longer, but I really don't want to see Aquaria: The Musical.
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Offline Pelar

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #53 on: May 24, 2010, 10:54:17 pm »
Yeah, I don't think a musical would be a great way to handle it either... but the songs definitely need to be incorporated somehow.

In regards to WALL-E. I suppose a fair number of people did enjoy it, but in regards to Pixar I would consider WALL-E to be one of their lesser works. Also, I think the lack of dialogue was ok in WALL-E because they used a lot of visual gags. Pixar is very adept at using visual cues to tell a story... but I still think that it would be difficult to pull off for a lot of studios.

Visual cues can be effective, you just need the right people writing and animating them. :)

I think some of the best examples I've seen were in the introduction to Up!
There was very little dialogue but it pretty much destroys the audience with the empathy it creates, and it sets up the framework for the rest of the movie at the same time.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 11:07:03 pm by Pelar »
1.21 gigawatts? 1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott!

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2010, 10:56:26 pm »
Oh wow! How could I forget the introduction to Up? D:
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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #55 on: May 24, 2010, 11:17:44 pm »
Oh wow! How could I forget the introduction to Up? D:

It's hard to top. When I saw it in the theater, the effect it had on the audience was palpable. It takes some seriously skilled writers, directors, and animators (in that case) to get the audience to empathize with the protagonist the way that movie did.

Pixar would be a sweet company to do an Aquaria movie (heading back to the topic), but they only work with their own IP.  :-\
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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #56 on: May 25, 2010, 03:53:57 am »
That would be great if Aquaria be made into a movie i think it will be good and
a good venture also. Aquaria will be famous..

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #57 on: May 25, 2010, 03:54:50 am »
Unless, as previously mentioned in the thread, someone ruins the movie badly. Then we'll become infamous. :3

or rather have bad fame? :S
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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #58 on: May 29, 2010, 07:33:57 pm »
Why use naija's story for a movie? What about, for example, Krel and Ylia? Nobody knows anything about those two, except that the Krotites thought that Krel is a betrayer.* Or the Anassi? Were they in the middle of a race when they died out? Is their god chained up somewhere in the ruins, preventing him from joining the race? What about the other breeds? what happened to them when the creator died, or prior to the events in Aquaria?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm way more interested in seeing that than in seeing a 25 hour game compressed into 2.5 hour at most.

(*I imagine Krel to be a Krotite, because of his name, and if he was of any other race they would have called him an infidel rather than betrayer. Ylia is a friendly, nymf like name, something you'd expect from the Erulians. In a militaristic society like the Krotite's falling in love with an enemy is probably considered betrayal. Maybe they're the spirits in the crystals in the body?)

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Re: Aquaria should be made into a movie.
« Reply #59 on: May 29, 2010, 09:10:26 pm »
Those are all more like side stories than the main story. More suited for spinoffs than adaptions.