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Offline Joey245

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I have a few questions about Fear the Dark...
« on: April 27, 2010, 12:44:46 pm »
First off, let me say that Fear the Dark is an absolutely incredible song. It's one of those songs where everything comes together and just clicks. And at 9 minutes in length, it's got lots of time to be awesome.

With that said, though...I don't seem to "get" the lyrics. I know what the words are, I just don't see how it ties into Aquaria. After all, it is on the Aquaria OST, so  I expect it to have some relation to Aquaria...

Is it not supposed to be about Aquaria? Because the only thing that I could pull from it is towards the end, where it says to "Kill the ghost that haunts us everywhere, the ghost of Love that never Loved..." Could that be talking about Mia, perhaps?

If someone could answer me this, it would be much appreciated.

On the upside, it was great hearing Jenna Sharpe sing again. She's got a great voice...
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Re: I have a few questions about Fear the Dark...
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 08:25:31 pm »
I'd like to see other peoples' thoughts on this before I step in with my speculations :)

Offline Hiro

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Re: I have a few questions about Fear the Dark...
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2010, 12:47:41 pm »
[Disclaimer, this is speculation, augmented with my own experiences and outlook with some reference to what I remember from comments by Alec himself]:
It's about Alec's life before and during the creation of Aquaria. It relates to Aquaria only because the same moods and feelings imbue the game itself, having been created from the same heart. Its a poetic and metaphorical tale of heartache/break.
What makes me think this? Hints of Alec's life at that time which tie with the lyrics, and the fact that they tie with my own depressing 'love story' almost scarily well. To 'kill the ghost of love that never loved' is to finally rid yourself of the lie that made you think someone loved you (ala 'burn away the foolish lies of love'). There are lots of other lines that fit this too (like, the whole song).
If it really is like mine then its something like this (augmented by what I remember from what Alec has said on these forums in the past):
Guy likes girl; girl says she likes guy. All goes well for a while; get closer and closer. One day girl suddenly shatters everything by admitting she does love guy, and says she actually never did. As you can imagine that's pretty tough.
To me in that situation daylight is a metaphor for being in love/being loved. Therefore you're in the dark and its cold, and you long ever so for the dawn.
'Newborn eyes' could be something like a new outlook on life without the other. Or a new attitude to life and love in general (perhaps more cynical and less trusting and open). To me it would also refer to the fact that apparently my eyes changed colour at that time, becoming a lighter shade, a sort of slate grey blue rather than the deep welcoming blue they normally are (supposedly).

Aaaaand with that I think I'll stop digging up my own past and let you guys re-look at the lyrics in light of that sort of setting. I think it fits pretty well, though Alec could be reading this and wondering what drugs I'm on. XD

[EDIT] Oh I forgot to tie it back: the same feeling of being alone in a strange place is prevalent in Aquaria, the finding of Li is supposed to be epic because its having just one other person who cares etc.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 12:55:53 pm by Hiro »
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Offline Ragashingo

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Re: I have a few questions about Fear the Dark...
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 05:41:24 am »
The Ghost of Love That Never Loved could be the little boy turned Creator couldn't it? What were Naija's words, "...have you ever loved..."

Besides ultimately thats the one thing you actually TRY to kill. Everything else you accidentally stumble into really.