I realise it might feel silly for me to register an account basically just to post this, but it's been a while, and I feel I really need to say it: I love Aquaria. For my money, it's one of the best games I've ever played, and easily better than the big-name money black holes that still end up mediocre, at best.
I played Aquaria quite a while ago and managed to finish it, but because it is a large, lengthy game, I've been putting off replaying it since. Playing it over again over the last few days, I was just reminded of what I was missing. As I've been telling practically anyone who will listen (along with a bunch of people who wouldn't), this game is an experience like practically no other. I really enjoy the atmosphere, the utter, striking beauty of the ocean and the truly breath-taking music that ties it all together. While I could be a jerk and pick on specific subsystems or design decisions (I hate resource gathering in games - my own thing), when I actually sit down to play Aquaria, none of those things seem to matter. The game just takes my breath away no matter where I go and what I do. It's just a remarkable experience, and one that, quite a bit time down the road, I realise has actually affected me and the way I write my own fiction.
It is said that if a good game is one that you play and enjoy, then a great game is one which changes you when you are done with it. A good game entertains, but a great game inspires. And Aquaria is, without a doubt, a truly great game, especially in this regard. I figured out pretty much all of the puzzles the last time I played it, and even so the game clocked me at 16 hours and 24 minutes right at the last crystal, and I STILL loved every minuted of it, even the heedless backtracking clear across the world just to have a look in that one secret area I needed light to see in. Yeah, I'll admit that, as I battled my way through the final gauntlet, I kept thinking "Good God! How much more is there?!?" but even so, as soon as I was done with the big bad, I almost started it all over again. And, in my humble opinion, any game which can eat up A FULL THREE DAYS of my life and have me itching to just do it all over again can't be anything less than amazing.
There's only one thing in the entire game that really, really bugs me, and it can be expressed in three simple words: "To Be Continued." Argh! I checked, and I didn't see a sequel for sale. And it's eating at me! I love the story of Aquaria, I love the settings, I love the attention to detail, the staggeringly huge world and the breath-taking atmosphere (no pun intended). I can only imagine how wondrous a sequel to this story would be... But it doesn't exist. Not yet, anyway. But I'm a patient man. I can wait. If I could wait for, like, 20 years for Soul Reaver 2 to be released, I can wait for a sequel to a game as great as this one. But I'm definitely looking forward to it.
As far as a point to this... I'm not really sure. It's just something I wanted to share.