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Author Topic: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?  (Read 31354 times)

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2010, 01:46:01 pm »
Guys, could you please just ignore all the spambots, it would make the cleaning up a whole lot easier.
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Offline Chibi

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2010, 07:06:43 pm »
Guys, could you please just ignore all the spambots, it would make the cleaning up a whole lot easier.
Sure - once their posts are deleted, I'll remove mine.

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Offline Zoko

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2010, 08:25:25 pm »
Suddenly my picture seems a lot more accurate...

No seriously, I feel like a freaking prophet now. This is ridiculous.
I refuse to have a signature!

Offline blackscaewolf

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2010, 01:49:29 am »
March of the krotites
thats it i cant diside the other 3

Offline Chibi

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2010, 02:28:05 am »
Suddenly my picture seems a lot more accurate...

No seriously, I feel like a freaking prophet now. This is ridiculous.
What do you mean?  :)

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Offline Zoko

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2010, 07:18:31 am »
Maybe prophet was too strong of a word but my point still stands.
I refuse to have a signature!

Offline Chibi

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2010, 03:56:30 pm »
Maybe prophet was too strong of a word but my point still stands.
Still don't know what you mean. What did you foresee, oh great one?  ;)

[EDIT]: Realized that just before I read your reply.  :)

We've actually got some smart bots out there posting in our good topics, the most posts I've seen from a bot is eight. I'm actually not sure if these are bots or people (person, since they all seem to come from the same source(Hormel Foods Factory)) but still no less spammy. I think I can safely say that my picture over in the fanart section is more or less an accurate depiction of what's been going on.

Cheers!  ;D
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 06:56:36 am by Chibi »

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Offline Zoko

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2010, 07:48:50 pm »
I mean the picture, where we're fighting all the spam bots. When I got the idea there we're only a few spam bots here, now there are a lot more.
Suddenly my picture seems a lot more accurate...
I refuse to have a signature!

Offline Littlewings

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2010, 05:30:11 am »
x.x digging up an old thread but I HAD to reply to this xD

1. Title - The first time I played the demo I just sat there listening to this for ages and watching the fish swim around.. it made me really really want to play the game

2. Remains - Has that feeling of a long forgotten city.. it fitted Mithalas really well

3. Veil - The music fitted the veil really well.. a feeling of peace and content

4. Suntemple - It sounded very much like the shining sun to me for some reason xD and gave off a really happy feel

5. Lost to the waves - reminiscence

Offline H-Falcon

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2010, 09:49:23 pm »
1. Worship (Especially the part starting from 4:20)
2. Mother and Father
3. Heart of the Forest
4. Light
5. Fatal
6. Sun Temple
7. The Body
8. Lost to the Waves
9. Fallen Breed

Sorry top 5 was not enough

Offline Aristobulus

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2010, 09:40:43 am »
The music really was the best part of Aquaria - it helped set the amazing atmosphere just really well. All of the songs pretty much fit the ambiance of the various areas too. I couldn't possibly gush enough about the music but that's preaching to the choir, so I'll try to list my favorites

1. Remains - Mithalos City - I love the aquaria main theme...and this is such a...well..haunting version of it. Totally fits the melancholy majesty of the city too, and the emotions you can imagine Naija feeling as she first sets eyes on the city. Nice, long intro, but when the music finally swells at 35-36 seconds in it's just too impressive. Gave me goosebumps the first time hearing it.

2. Arboreal - Kelp Forest - This was the first area I went to after open waters, in an attempt to find the surface - what a feeling it would be when I finally did - but arboreal is not for that. It's just a really upbeat tune that's at the same time kind of chill, it's just fun to listen to. Considering I was just starting to get the hang of controlling Naija and actually dodging enemy attacks, I had a lot of fun just controlling her in the environment to this tune.

3. Light - this is just such a peaceful, mellow tune. It's incredibly calming, and totally fits the innocence of the areas it plays in, starting out hearing this tune just set the mood right for the game, made me really just want to enjoy it. Also, it's more of the general Aquaria theme that's so solid. My favorite part is actually the ending when the more standard aquaria tune hits in, but softly. at around 1:15. So serene.

4. Open waters - It deserves to be on this list. It's, again, just a different tone of the standard Aquaria theme, but it works great. I was totally underestimating the game around the home waters, looking at the map and thinking "okay it's solid but not too large" and then I hit the open waters...and this theme greets me as well as a map impossibly large. It is, fittingly, just a more expansive version of the home waters aquaria theme, or it seems to be -  a bit more echoing of a tune, hard to put into words, but it fit the feelings I saw when I opened my map and just saw it expanding into infinity and realized the game had so much more to give me than I was expecting.

5.  Miniboss - It's just such an energetic, pumped up version of the aquaria theme. Totally gets me ready to go and fight things, but in that swift, agile way Naija controls. Not a frustrating theme either so if I got stuck on a boss the music helped keep me WANTING to fight instead of just getting frustrated and wanting it to be over already - more to the point fitting the music, my feelings of wanting the fight to end would be desperation as I got low on healing items/health! Which this sortof frantic theme fits that emotion, too.

It's really hard to rank songs. I'd like to also mention the song that plays after you've gotten Duo form and are tearing your way through the Body to get to the final boss. Such a well, this is an overused word, but epic song, really. Fit the mood so well of finally having power, and the means to fight back at that that's been tormenting Naija and Aquaria, and just totally decimating enemies that would've given you trouble before.

Offline Kasofa

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2010, 08:55:29 pm »
Worship 5: Epic feel, it really wrapped things up. Whatever just happened, it's come to a point and must be dealt with.

Seahorse: Horsies! It's just a good song.

Openwaters: This is Aquaria.

Undiscovered Waters: Dang this place is big.

Icy Waters: Wow, I just listened to that one. Really sad, but also christmas-y.

(Har har puns.)

Offline Aristobulus

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2010, 11:30:36 pm »
I finally got to listen to Fear the Dark and it was amazing. I have throw in a late mention of that song.

Offline Wenzor

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2010, 05:02:43 am »
Lost Waters
Icy Water
Undiscovered Waters
Mother and Father

Fear The Dark wasn't really in the game... BUT I LOVE IT

Offline Percival

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2010, 09:00:16 pm »
I'd have to say...

1. Lost to the Waves
2. Fear the Dark (Sad, but still amazing.)
3. Sunken
4. Sun Temple
5. Title

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